Transistor Radio

I am partial to most types of music but I’m especially drawn to the music of my youth. That good old rock and roll music of the ’50’s and ’60’s. While browsing in a bookstore recently “Chain Gang” by Sam Cooke came on over the loud speakers and became the inspiration for this story.

In 1959 in Minneapolis radio station KDWB joined longtime stalwart WDGY as a second station in the city playing rock and roll music. For years afterward they competed with each other offering gifts and promotions, vying for the potentially lucrative teenage audience. Tommy Langston didn’t care about any of that. He just liked the music and would switch stations all day long in an effort to bypass those bothersome commercials and get to the real music. That good old rock and roll music. He was kind of addicted. He carried his Silvertone transistor radio with him everywhere he went. It was in a brown leather case that he could strap to his three speed black Raleigh bicycle as he rode around his neighborhood blasting out the latest tunes. He carried it with him during the day, the tiny speaker pressed to his ear, singing along to Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison and Buddy Holly. He put the radio next to his head at night and fell asleep to Gene Vincent, Sam Cooke and the Shirelles. He listened so much that his mother finally told him that she was going to limit the amount of batteries she’d give him for his radio. That was fine with him. He’d just get a job and that set the course for a summer that he would remember for the rest of his life.
Tommy was twelve years old had been cutting his parent’s lawn for past two years now, ever since they’d moved into the neighborhood. He enjoyed it and did a pretty good job of it, if he did say so himself. They paid him two dollars and twenty five cents. The neighborhood he lived in was a relatively new housing development in the first tier of suburbs spreading south and west from Minneapolis. The lots were roughly eighty feet by one hundred feet usually with a two story house and attached double car garage plopped in the middle. School had recently ended and the grass cutting season was under way. The next day he started going door to door and by the time the afternoon was over he had three jobs lined up. One up the hill on his block with Mrs. Everson, a nice old lady whose husband had passed away some years back. One on the street behind him and down at the end of the block with Mr. and Mrs. Sorenson, an elderly couple whose yard was very tidy and filled with flower gardens. Finally, the last one was two blocks away down at the end of a cul-de-sac with a family new to the area, Mr. and Mrs. Rose and their two kids. All of the people he worked for let him use their own lawn mowers, so that was good, he could just ride his bike over and cut the grass. He started the following day with Mrs. Evenson and within a week had made enough money to keep him in batteries for the rest of the summer.
Each of his customer’s treated him well. Mrs. Everson always made sure he got a glass of Tang after he finished. Usually some cookies too. Mr. and Mrs. Sorenson were a kindly old couple and usually were working in the yard themselves while he cut the grass. Mr. Sorenson even took time to show him how to perform basic garden maintenance like weeding, edging and dead-heading, all of which Tommy enjoyed. Mr. Sorenson also paid him extra for the additional work even though Tommy told him he didn’t have to. “Good pay for good work,” Mr. Sorenson told him, so Tommy gladly took the extra cash. Then there was Mr. Rose. He was as different from his other two customers as night and day. While Mrs. Everson and the Sorenson’s were nice and what Tommy would consider normal run-of-the-mill adults, Mr. Rose was very different. For example, one day shortly after he’d been hired Tommy had finished the lawn and had used the garden hose to clean off the mower. He was getting ready to go up to the front door to get paid when Mr. Rose came out to meet him. He had a bottle of beer in his hand. “Hey there, Tommy my boy,” he said with a big smile and a flourish of his arm. “All finished I see.”
“Yes, sir, I am,” Tommy said cautiously. Mr. Rose seemed a little too happy. A little too friendly. All of the adults Tommy knew treated kids with a diffident manner. Young people in their place, adults in their own place, his Auntie June always said. His Uncle Simon was more succinct. Seen but not heard, was the phrase he often used if Tommy and his siblings made too much noise. Mr. Rose was being too forward, something Tommy was not used to. Looking more closely he realized Mr. Rose was drunk. It was only 1:00 pm in the afternoon. Fortunately, at that time Mrs. Rose came out and paid him and Tommy grabbed his bike. As he rode off he could hear Mr. and Mrs. Rose yelling at each other. He pedaled faster to get a way.
To others idly watching, Tommy’s life was the uncomplicated world of a twelve year old. On one level he had his transistor radio and his rock and roll music. He enjoyed riding his bicycle. He had friends. He enjoyed sports. He was a kid on the verge of becoming a young adult. But life is complicated and usually more is going on than what it may seem like on the surface, and that was the case with Tommy and his family. His parents had separated six months previously, just before Christmas. His father had moved out leaving Tommy’s mother to care for him and his younger brother and two younger sisters. With his father gone the house had dramatically changed. There had been a depressing quiet that was both disconcerting and uncomfortable. Especially in the first few months. No one quite knew what to make of their new situation. Everyone was distant and distracted. Even Tommy’s mom. But over time they all starting to get used to their father being gone. The kids were young and resilient, and their mother started doing all she could to keep everyone’s spirits up.
She sat down with Tommy one evening after dinner a few weeks into the summer and asked him about the three lawns he was cutting. About his ‘customers’ as she called them. “Tell me about them,” she said, sitting him down at the kitchen table where she lit a cigarette and took a sip of coffee. “Are they nice?”
They were having these little chats more and more often now that his father was gone. Staying connected. Tommy kind of liked it. Made him feel secure. “Well, first of all there’s Mrs. Everson. She’s kind of quiet, but pretty nice, I guess.”
“I heard she used to teach English.”
“Yeah, she did. Over at Holy Trinity, that Catholic girls high school.”
Tommy’s mom nodded, “She lives alone, doesn’t she? I heard her husband died a while ago.”
“Yeah, she’s all by herself, but seems fine. Not lonely or anything. Most of the time I’m there she’s sitting in the backyard reading.”
“I think it was around five years ago that her husband died. That’s what I heard anyway.” Tommy’s mom enjoyed these conversations with him. She worked all day as a receptionist at the headquarters of a national hotel chain. She started the job after Tommy’s dad had left. She was usually pretty rung out when she got home. She took a sip of coffee and another drag off her cigarette. “I’ve never met her,” she added, blowing smoke away from her son.
“She’s pretty quiet. I think she’s writing a book. I heard her talking about it on the phone once when I went to the door to get paid.”
“You shouldn’t eavesdrop, Tommy,” she admonished him. “That’s not polite.”
Tommy’s mom was forever monitoring how he acted. So did his grandmother . So did his Auntie June who had started coming by during the day to watch over the household while his mom was at work. Sometimes Tommy felt that he was unfairly surrounded by strong willed, assertive women. In the long run, though, if he were to be honest with himself, it was alright. They made him feel cared for. “Yeah, I know, mom. I couldn’t help it.” She gave him a stern look, meaning, ‘Just don’t let it happen again.’ Tommy got what the point was. He was used to being admonished by his mom and took it in stride. “I won’t mom, I promise,” he said, attempting to reassure her.
She snubbed out her cigarette, went into the laundry room and brought out a armful of clothes fresh out of the drier. “Here, help me fold these.” Tommy got up to help. They worked at the kitchen table. It was round with a Formica top. Perfect for folding. “Tell me about Mr. and Mrs. Sorenson. I see them at the grocery store. They seem like good people.”
“Oh, they are. Mr. Sorenson’s great. He’s teaching me about gardening.”
“Like what?” she asked with a raised inflection in her voice wanting her son to know she was interested in what he was doing.
“Well, he showed me the difference between weeds and what he called good plants.” He made a quotes sign with his hands. His mom laughed.
“So what are good plants?” She laughed again, kind of gently, encouraging him.
Tommy had to remind himself he wasn’t being quizzed like in school. He wasn’t the best student. Not by a long shot. His mom was genuinely interested. “He said there are annuals and perennials. Annuals are like pansies and geraniums and you plant them every year. Perennials come back year after year.”
“Like the peonies in the backyard?” she asked.
Tommy thought about it and then answered, “Yeah, I guess, like them.”
His mother sighed, “I love those peonies. Did I tell you they came from grandma and grandpa’s place in Truman?”
Tommy laughed, “Yeah, mom, about a hundred million times.” He glanced at her, busily folding a pair of his brothers blue jeans. She was quiet for a few moments lost in thought. Lost in good memories maybe of when she was young and growing up in a small town in southern Minnesota. Back then she had her whole life in front of her. She had dreams she hoped would come true. Now, things were changed. Life did not work out the way she’d planned. She shook her shoulders once and then smiled at Tommy, “Well, it sounds as if you like Mr. Sorenson a lot.”
“I do. It’s fun to work in his yard. It always looks so nice when I’m done.”
She nodded and was quiet again. “Let’s take a break.” She went to the stove and poured another cup of coffee. Then she went to the refrigerator and poured a small glass of milk for Tommy and sat down at the table, pushing a pile of unfolded laundry aside. She opened up her cigarettes and shook one out, lighting it with a Zippo lighter. She seemed to relax, sipping her coffee and smoking. Tommy took a sip of milk and then picked up the pack of cigarettes and sniffed it. The brand were Pall Malls and they didn’t have a filter. They smelled good to him. His mother took the pack from his hands. “Don’t start smoking, young man,” she gave him that hard look again, “It’s not good for you.”
“Why do you do it, then?” he asked, hoping he wasn’t stepping over that invisible boundary between being rude and honest curiosity.
She looked off into the distance. “Why do I do a lot of things?” she answered somewhat cryptically, like she was talking to herself. Then she shook her head, like she had just come back from somewhere far away, to the here and now, the real world. She smiled again, “Anyway, tell me about Mr. Rose.”
Mr. Rose was the one customer of his who made him kind of uncomfortable. “I don’t like him very much.”
“Why’s that?” His mom focused in on him. She seemed to have sort of a built in motherly radar up.
Tommy was hesitant. He wasn’t sure if he should tell her about Mr. Rose and his drinking. He looked at his mom and she encouraged him to continue. “Well, just that about every time I’m finished and go to him to get paid…” he paused, unsure of how to continue.
“Go ahead,” his mom said.
Tommy sighed and blurted out, “I think he drinks. He acts drunk sometimes.” Tommy knew enough about drinking because his parents drank. Not a lot, he didn’t think, but they did. You could call it social drinking. A martini before dinner was fairly common for his folks when his dad was living at home. His parents had parties where drinks were served. People got happy and laughed a lot, but Tommy had never seen anyone really drunk. But Mr. Rose seemed different. First of all, he seemed to drink all the time. At least he did when Tommy was over, which was usually in the middle of the day and, to him, that didn’t seem right. Also, sometimes Tommy would hear him yelling at his wife or his kids, mean sounding yelling, slurring his words. It kind of scared him but he didn’t want to say that to his mom. He wanted to keep his job. He enjoyed having the money he was making.
“Do you want me to talk to him?”
“Mom, no,” he exclaimed. “Don’t do that. I can handle it.” He looked at her, pleading. “Really, it’s Ok.”
She watched him for a few moments, thinking. Then made her decision. “Alright, then. Just let me know if you need me to step in.”
“Ok, mom, I will.” Tommy smiled, relieved. He liked that she gave him credit to watch out for himself. It was something she was doing more often in the days since his dad had left. It made him feel grown up.
They chatted some more as they finished folding the laundry. Then Tommy went down to the basement where his younger brother, Steve, was watching The Andy Griffith Show on TV. Tommy and Steve got along pretty well. Steve was two years younger and had his own group of friends that he hung out with. Susan and Mary, his younger sisters were there also. This fall they would be going into first and third grade. Tommy put up with them as best as he could. All the kids had become withdrawn when their dad had left. But over time things had changed for the good. Their mom had been taking time to talk to each of them like she had just done with Tommy and, interestingly, the family seemed closer than ever these days. Tommy noticed that they didn’t fight between themselves as much as they used to. It was weird, but kind of nice. He had settled in with the show when the phone rang upstairs. Then his mom called down, “Tommy. Phone.”
“Who is it?”
“Ok. I’ll be right there.”
Tommy hiked up the stairs to the small table by the front door where the phone was located and picked up the receiver. “Hey, Kirk. What’s up?”
Kirk and Tommy had been friends for the past two years, ever since Tommy’s family had moved to the neighborhood. “Well, I’ve got ’em,” Kirk said. “I’ll meet you tomorrow in the woods.”
“Great.” Tommy smiled into the phone. “What kind?”
“Kools. You know, the menthol kind.”
“Fantastic. We haven’t had them before, have we?”
“Naw. My mom smokes ’em. That’s why they send ’em to us.
Promotional packs of five cigarettes were often mailed out to households by cigarette companies. Kirk’s mom and dad smoked a lot and always were getting them. For the past few months Kirk had been keeping a look out for those free packs and swiping them every once in a while for he and Tommy to smoke. His mother never suspected a thing.
“I’ve got to cut the Sorenson’s lawn tomorrow morning. I’ll meet you after. Around noon.”
After they hung up Tommy went upstairs to the room he shared with his brother. Steve was still watching television in the basement. Tommy turned his radio on and lay down on his bed. ‘Runaround Sue’ by Dion and the Belmonts came on. He loved that song. He closed his eyes and got lost in the music, only feeling slightly guilty about sneaking smokes with Kirk. What the heck, he thought to himself. His mom didn’t need to know everything about his life. Did she?
About a mile north of the housing development where Tommy and his family lived was a lake. On the west side of the lake was a swamp and in the middle of the swamp was a low hill covered with a grove of oak, maple and poplar trees that the boys in the area referred to as The Woods. Tommy met Kirk there just after noon the next day. They lit up their cigarettes and sat back, each against the trunk of a tree.
“Man, this tastes great,” Tommy exclaimed, “Like chewing spearmint gum.”
“I know,” Kirk responded. “Kools are great. Maybe we should try to buy a pack.”
Buying a pack of cigarettes was considered a big mark of maturity with the gang of boys Tommy and Kirk ran around with. They were always planning how to do it. A gas station a few miles away up on the highway seemed the most likely candidate. Today, however, their conversation took a different turn. “Say, I heard Pam Longfellow was asking about you,” Kirk said. “Linda told me.” Linda was Kirk’s girlfriend. “Looks like you might get yourself a little sweetie after all.” He laughed and nudged Tommy with his elbow. “The man of the hour but he’s never been kissed,” Kirk joked. Tommy’s ears burned and he slugged Kirk hard in the arm. Soon the cigarettes were forgotten as the two friends tussled among the leaves and dirt debris on the floor of the forest.
Thinking about girls ran very high in the areas of interest in Tommy’s life. This fall he and his friends would be entering seventh grade. They had heard all kinds of stories about school dances on Friday nights and make out parties on Saturday nights. Though the interest was there, just the thought of dancing with a girl was enough to send Tommy’s emotions into a tail-spin, let alone kissing one. There was a lot of pressure from his pals to get a girl friend. He was very shy around girls and the pressure of his peers was sometimes more than he could bear. Sometimes he just wished he could forget the whole thing and do nothing but mow lawns and listen to his radio. It would sure make life easier but he did have to admit that Pam Longfellow was someone he was kind of attracted to. She was tall and had big brown eyes and long dark hair. She even had smiled at him once or twice in the last few days toward the end of sixth grade. There might be something to what Kirk was talking about.
After they quit wrestling and rolling around on the ground they shook themselves off and each took a minute to comb their hair. Tommy used Brylcreem hair product and was forever trying to keep a wave in his hair with duck-tails combed back on the sides. When he was sure everything was in place, he pocketed his comb and had another cigarette from the pack Kirk handed him. He couldn’t believe how much he liked the taste. He was thinking about Pam Longfellow when Kirk broke in on this thoughts. “My folks are having a party this Saturday night. Want to come over?”
“Is there going to be any booze there?”
Kirk laughed. “Man, you know my parents. There’ll be gallons and gallons.”
“I’ll be there.”
The two friends had been sampling booze from Kirk’s parent’s liquor cabinet ever since last New Year’s Eve, just after Tommy’s dad had left home. Kirk’s parents had a party at least once a month. It was a chance for the two friends to try out different types of alcohol. So far their favorite drink was gin and tonic, probably because it tasted so much like 7UP. They didn’t drink much, just enough to get a warm feeling and they never even came close to getting drunk. Now, especially with Mr. Rose’s behavior fresh in his mind, Tommy wasn’t sure he was excited to even try alcohol anymore. But he figured he’d do it anyway. Kirk was always game and Tommy didn’t want to disappoint his friend. So when next Friday rolled around he went to the party and the evening passed without an incident. Tommy was glad for that. He managed to only have a few sips of some of some bourbon whiskey left out on the counter. He didn’t like it at all.
As the summer progressed, Tommy realized that he was not only enjoying earning money, but he was also enjoying the work of cutting lawns. He liked being outside. He like the physical labor. He even was starting to like each of his customers. Mrs. Everson had a little patio in her back yard. It was paved with red bricks and she had a wrought iron table on it with an umbrella and four chairs. The wrought iron was painted white. As the freshness of June transformed itself into the deep greens of July, Mrs. Everson took to spending time out on her patio in the shade of the umbrella writing at her table. “Come over here, Tommy,” she said one day when he had finished mowing and was getting ready to get paid. “Let me read you something.”
Tommy came over and sat down. She pushed a glass of ice cold Tang over to him. “What’s up?” he asked, thanking her for tasty orange beverage and taking a welcoming drink.
“I’ve been writing a story about the history of my family. Let me read a part of it to you.”
Tommy sat back and listened. He was slightly uncomfortable because he was not a very good student in school and usually if he was being read to it was by a teacher and there was usually a quiz involved at some point afterwards. But he soon forgot about all that. Very quickly he became lost in Mrs. Everson’s story. Her grandparents had immigrated to the United States from Germany just after the Civil War. They had eventually settled in southeastern Nebraska and became farmers. Their story was one of hard work and perseverance though wind storms, drought, insect plagues and wild fires. What Mrs. Everson read was the beginning of a chapter that had to do with the grandmother and her daughters, one of which was Mrs. Everson’s mother, setting up a sort of inn for travelers to stop at and stay overnight. He was fascinated.
“What do you think?” she asked when she was done reading. The story had taken only about five minutes but Tommy felt he could have listened forever.
“I liked it. Especially the part about her husband having a team of horses haul logs from the river bank to build the new inn. That was pretty cool.”
Mrs. Everson sat back and removed her glass and smiled, rubbing her eyes. “Have you ever heard the term ‘Salt of the Earth’?” Tommy shook his head, No. “It means incredibly hard working people. Honest, truthful and trustworthy. That’s what my grandparents were.” She then showed him a photograph. “Here they are. Frederick and Helen Reisman.”
Tommy carefully took the old photo and looked at it. It was a faded, sepia tone picture of two old people standing in front of a wood frame farm house. Their clothes were worn and their expressions were serious. Yet they looked both strong and healthy, like they could definitely take care of themselves. “Did they live in Nebraska their whole lives?” he asked, mainly to say something, although he was very touched that Mrs. Everson had thought enough of him to share her story with him.
“Yes. They died on that farm. It’s down near the town of Beatrice on the Little Blue River. They are buried in the town’s cemetery. I go down there every year or two, just to visit their grave and the site of their farmhouse. Someone tore it down years ago to make room to plant more corn. Granny Helen was like a second mother to me. My mother was born on that farm in 1873.” She stopped and was quiet then, looking off across the yard. Maybe as far as Nebraska, maybe further. Tommy just sat with her, feeling comfortable in the presence of this nice, friendly old lady. He was getting to enjoy being at her place and cutting her lawn. For the rest of the summer after he’d finished his work, she would sit him down and read him some of her story. He would sip Tang as he listened, occasionally asking questions, learning about a part of his nation’s history he never had even thought about before. He hadn’t realized that learning could be so interesting.
The same was true with Mr. and Mrs. Sorenson. The longer he worked for them, the more he enjoyed it. In addition to Mr. Sorenson teaching him about gardening, Mrs. Sorenson was teaching him about birds and bird watching. It all started one day in early July.
“Come here, Tommy. Come quick.” She motioned to him when he showed up ready to cut the grass.
“What’s up?” He jogged over to the corner of the backyard where she was standing with a pair of binoculars.
“Look over there.” She pointed to a bird house on a post in the middle of a field out past the back yard.
Tommy looked but didn’t see anything. “What am I looking for?” he asked.
Mrs. Sorenson gave him her binoculars. “Here,” she was really excited. “Look through these. Look at the bird house.” Tommy did as he was told. He had to focus them first and when he did he saw what she was so fired up about. “Do you see them?” she asked. “Bluebirds”
He did. He saw them. A bird beautifully deep sky blue in color with a rusty, reddish breast. “I can see them,” he exclaimed. “Well, one anyway.”
“That’s right. Keep watching. There’s a pair of them. They’re busy flying back and forth. They have babies in there. They’re feeding their young.” Mrs. Sorenson was almost dancing, she was so happy. “Mr. Sorenson put up the bird house last year. This is the first year we’ve had customers.” She was more animated than he’d ever seen her. Or seen any adult, really, for that matter.
Tommy caught the excitement. “Cool.” Was all he could think to say, but it really was pretty neat. He’d never seen bluebirds before. He and Mrs. Sorenson spent nearly an hour trading off the binoculars and watching the parents feeding their young. Finally Mr. Sorenson came out and made him get to work cutting the grass.
“Won’t I scare the birds?” he asked, concerned, looking at Mrs. Sorenson.
“A little. But don’t worry. They’re pretty used to us by now. They’ve been around for nearly two months. I just never thought to point them out to you before.”
“Well, I’m glad you showed them to me,” was all Tommy could think to say. “They’re very cool.” And he went off to cut the grass, watching the bird house and the activity around it while he worked. He never even noticed Mr. and Mrs. Sorenson watching him, smiling to each other.
Mr. Rose was another matter. Over the course of the summer Tommy had become very uncomfortable with the guy’s drinking which he seemed to do all the time. He might have just quit the job except that he liked Mrs. Rose and he especially liked the Rose’s two kids, both boys, aged nine and seven. William, who went by Willie and John, who went by the name Jessie, were lots of fun.
“They look up to you, you know,” Mrs. Rose told him once. “You’re like an older brother to them.”
Which was fine with Tommy. He was used to little kids because of his brother Steve and his two sisters. After Willie and Jessie got used to him being around, Tommy had taken to playing catch with the brothers when he was done cutting the grass. He did other things with them too, like flying balsam wood gliders, playing marbles and shooting baskets just to name a few. The more he got to know the brothers, the more he liked them. “Why do you call yourself Jessie?” he asked John once.
“Because of Jessie James, the outlaw,” he answered in all earnestness. “He’s my hero.”
Tommy laughed. “Good for you. It’s good to have a hero,” he said, thinking back to the Robin Hood phase he’d gone through when he was about Jessie’s age. Then he added, “I’ve seen his grave, you know. Jessie James’. It’s in Missouri. Do you know where Missouri is?” Which was true. He’d seen it on a family vacation a few years back. Jessie shook his head, No, eyes wide. “It’s pretty cool,” Tommy continued, “Maybe your parents can take you there sometime.”
The brothers were lots of fun for Tommy. Mrs. Rose was nice too. Always giving him lemonade after he’d done his work. The boys usually wanted to play and lately Tommy was enjoying teaching Willie how to play chess. They’d sit in the grass in the shade in the back yard with Mrs. Rose watching from her kitchen window and Jessie restlessly pacing on the grass beside them, talking about bank robbers and the old west.
One day Mrs. Rose took him aside. “I have a question for you, Tommy. Would you be willing to babysit Willie and Jessie occasionally? Mr. Rose and I like to go out sometimes and our regular sitter isn’t always available. We’ll pay you fifty cents an hour.”
“Sure,” Tommy beamed. “Love to.” And just like that he had more money coming in.
But Mr. Rose was still an issue. When he was drinking he was too friendly with Tommy, always putting his arm around his shoulder and making sick jokes. It turned out he taught geology at the University of Minnesota and had a block of time off during the summer. Sometimes he wasn’t there and those were the times Tommy liked the most. He was torn. He didn’t like Mr. Rose, but he liked Mrs. Rose and the kids a lot. He decided to stick it out and keep cutting the grass. Besides, with the extra job babysitting, he’d have more money, and that was a good deal in his book.
He filled his mom in on how the jobs were progressing one evening in late July. The day had been hot and muggy with oppressive heat. Earlier Auntie June had taken Tommy’s brother and two sisters down to Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis to go swimming and cool off. Now they were all downstairs in the cool basement watching television. “Let’s go sit out back in the shade,” Tommy’s mom said. “It’s cooler out there.” The one floor fan in the house wasn’t doing much to give any relief to the heat. Outside was a good place to be.
“Sure, mom. That’d be good.”
They went out back each unfolding an aluminum lawn chair and sat down in the cool grass under a young birch tree. A light breeze from the south felt refreshing on their skin. They sat facing out into the yard which was on the east side of the house and was cooling off from the heat of the day.
“So how are your lawn jobs working out? You still enjoy them?” his mom asked. They hadn’t had a nice chat for a while.
He filled his mom in on his customers. “Mrs. Everson is writing a book about her ancestors. Mostly about her grandparents and she reads to me out of it every time I go over there. It’s pretty interesting.”
Tommy’s mom nodded and smiled. She liked that her son was interested in something other than his radio and rock and roll music. “What’s she call the book?”
“I think she’s thinking of calling it ‘Salt of the Earth’.” Tommy looked at his mom. “Do you know what that means.”
She laughed. “Yes, I do. I think of my parents, your grandparents, that way.”
And they talked a bit about Tommy’s grandma and grandpa and what it was like for Tommy’s mom to grow up in a small town in southern Minnesota and all the good memoires she had. When the conversation ran out, she asked about the Sorenson’s.
“I saw Mrs. Sorenson at the grocery store. She told me about you and her watching those baby bluebirds.”
“It was really cool, mom.” Tommy became very excited. “The babies left the nest box about a month ago. One day they were there and the next they were gone, is what Mrs. Sorenson said.”
Tommy’s mom smiled. “Sounds like this has been a pretty good summer for you. New experiences and all.”
“It’s been great, mom. I’m making a lot of money. I’m saving to buy a car,” he added and gave his mom a look out of the corner his eye.
She gave him a stern look back. “We’ll talk about it later, young man,” was all she said.
Tommy nodded, happy that at least she didn’t say No.
They sat back, resting and enjoying the cool of the evening. Tommy went inside and came back with a glass of Kool-Aid loaded with ice. He brought his mom a glass of ice tea. She thanked him and lit a cigarette which Tommy had to admit looked and smelled good. He’d have to hit up Kirk for a smoke tomorrow. His thoughts were interrupted by his mom. “So how’s it going with Mr. Rose?” Tommy looked over at her. She had her eyes closed and had her head resting on the back of her chair. She seemed very comfortable and at ease. He didn’t want to worry her.
“It’s going good, mom. I don’t see him much anymore. It’s mostly Mrs. Rose and the two kids. I like them all a lot.” He was quiet for a moment. “You really don’t have to worry.”
Tommy honestly hadn’t had much trouble lately with Mr. Rose. He’d baby sat a few times and everything had gone fine. Mr. Rose had been pretty drunk at the end of those evenings, but Tommy had only had to deal with Mrs. Rose. She was the one to pay him and seemed eager for him to get out the door and go home. Once, when he was outside walking to his bike he heard them start fighting. Words raised in anger. He hurried away on his bicycle wondering if their yelling was going to wake up Willie and Jessie. He got home that night, checked in with his mom, and quietly crawled into bed. He’d bought an ear-plug listening device for his radio so he could listen in bed without bothering Steve. The last song he remembered before he fell asleep was ‘Runaway’ by Del Shannon. When his mom checked in on him later before she went to bed, Tommy was smiling in his sleep. She turned his radio off, brushed his hair off his forehead, and went to bed herself, happy that her oldest boy seemed to be having a pretty good summer.
If you asked Tommy about it he would tell you that, Yes, he was having a pretty good summer. Good enough that was, until his mom told him that his dad was coming over for a visit. It was about a week after they had been talking in the back yard, the first week of August, and Immediately when he heard the news his anxiety level with up off the charts. He actually started perspiring he was so nervous.
“By why? Mom,” he asked trying not to sound whiney. They had just finished dinner and were sitting around the kitchen table. “Why can’t we just go on like now?”
She gave him a look. “Because I told you so, that’s why.” It was a sharp response and got the point across. Tommy actually flinched. She backed off a notch and softened her tone, making eye contact with them all. “Look, your father and I made an agreement that when he left he would try to come back occasionally to visit each of you.” She sighed, “I know he hasn’t been too good about it, but he wants to come over this Saturday around 1:00 pm. He’ll see you, Tommy, first, then Steve, then the girls.”
Tommy realized he had to be a man about this. Try to set an example for his brother and sisters. He knew his mom was counting on him. “Ok,” he said, trying to sound upbeat. “It’ll be good to see him.” He didn’t add the rest of what he was thinking which was ‘I guess.’ His mom smiled at him, letting him know she appreciated that he was willing to try.
To make matters worse, Saturday dawned cloudy and by the time it was 1:00 pm it had been raining all morning. Tommy was in the garage cleaning up his bike listening to his radio when his dad showed up. He was driving a new looking, shining little red sports car. Tommy had never seen it before. His dad got out and hurried into the garage shaking the rain from his jacket. Tommy’s dad was a tall, good looking man with a trim, athletic build. His dark hair was showing flecks of grey through his severe buzz cut hair style. His wore his clothes well, and today had on pressed khaki pants, wing tip shoes and a crisp, blue, dress shirt. He smiled when he entered the garage as he approached Tommy.
“Hey there, sport, good to see you.” He stuck out his right hand and with the other slapped Tommy on the shoulder. He had to admit, it felt good to see his dad.
“Good to see you, too,” he said, shaking his dad’s hand was then quiet, wondering what else he could say.
The big problem Tommy had with his dad was the same problem he had with all adults. He didn’t know how to talk with them. Over the twelve years of his life he had been taught to ‘be seen and not heard’ by everyone from his mom and dad, to his aunt and uncle, to his grandparents, parent’s friends, teachers at school and teachers at Sunday school. He had seen the universal ‘quiet sign’ of the forefinger pressed up against pursed lips more times than he could count. He had eventually learned to become comfortable with doing everything he could to keep quiet and stay out of the way of adults. He avoided getting into trouble that way. But in the months after his dad had left, Tommy found himself drawn into more conversations with adults than ever before. Like his chats with his mom and talking to various of the customers of his little lawn mowing business. Which was fine. It was kind of fun and sort of a learning experience for him. Made him feel older. More grown up. But now he was faced with having a conversation with his dad, someone he was just not used to talking with. It really was uncomfortable.
“What have you been up to this summer?” his dad asked pleasantly, trying to be nice and congenial. “Your mom told me you’re cutting lawns.” He walked over to the power lawn mower parked along the side wall of the garage. “Using the old LawnBoy?” He said it almost reverently. The light green LawnBoy was the type of lawnmower his dad favored when it came to grass cutting machines.
“Naw…they let me use theirs,” Tommy answered, knowing he should say more, but he was feeling more and more out of sorts. He glanced out past the garage, out to the street, as if looking for some way to escape. It had quit raining and the sun was starting to poke out through the clouds. He felt like going for a long bike ride. He was actually sweating. He wiped his brow. “I’m making good money”, he finally blurted out. “I’m saving some of it to buy a car when I turn sixteen.” He was trying to find some common ground. His dad loved cars and driving.
“Well, it’s good to plan ahead,” his dad said as he looked back to his car in the drive way. “How do you like my new Austin Healy? It’s a 3000.”
“It’s nice, dad.” Tommy had nothing else to add.
What little Tommy knew about his dad was that he was a friendly, popular guy. He worked in middle management for a large local company known for manufacturing various devices used to control heating and cooling in homes and office buildings. His job required him to be on the road a lot visiting various of the company’s branch offices throughout the country. He sometimes even traveled to Europe. Tommy had overheard his mom fighting with his dad about how much he was away. He figured it was probably one of the reasons his dad had moved out.
They patched together a stilted conversation for a few minutes more. Finally his dad said, “Tommy, there’s something I need to tell you.”
Tommy quickly became alert. “What’s up?” He felt a sense of foreboding.
“Your mom and I are going to get a divorce,” he said without any preamble. He looked Tommy in the eye, “I’ve met someone who I care about very much. We are going to get married when the divorce is finalized.”
Tommy’s heart rate sped up. Sweat broke out all over his body. He felt nauseous. He felt like he was going to be sick to his stomach. All he could think of to do was to ask, “Why?”
His dad just looked at him as a tear formed and then fell down his son’s cheek. “It’s just the way it has to be. You’re too young to understand now, but maybe you will when you get older,” he reached out his arm to put it around Tommy’s shoulder. “It’s just that I don’t love your mom anymore. I’ve found someone else.”
“What about us?” Tommy asked, shrugging the arm off. He heard the urgent, pleading tone in his voice. It sounded childish but he didn’t care. He was feeling like his world was spinning out of control. “What’s going to happen to us? Are we going to have to move? What about school and my friends.” He spit his words out in a rush. His throat was closing up. He felt queasy and ill.
“No, son,” his dad’s voice was calm and reasonable. “You and your mom and Steve and the girls will stay in the house. I’ll see to that,” he said firmly. “I’ll try to make it so it won’t be too hard on you all and that things won’t change too much.”
If Tommy was better equipped to express himself he would have probably asked a lot more questions. He would have probably pleaded with his dad to stay. He would have probably told him how much he missed him and how hard it was living in the house with him gone. How hard it was dealing with the emptiness he felt inside. How sad his mom was. How sad his brother and sisters were. How much he wished things could go back to the way they were when home felt secure and he felt safe and protected by his parents. But his dad’s words hung in the air like a bad dream that wouldn’t go away. A nightmare. They solidified the fact that his parent’s separation and split up was for real and final. His dad was never coming back. Tommy’s life and that of his brother and sisters and his mom would change forever. And there was nothing he could do about it. His emotions welled up inside of him. He felt a rage unlike anything he’d ever felt before. His mind went red with fury. Well, there was one thing. There was certainly one big thing he could do about it. He clenched his right hand into a fist and slammed it into his father’s chest, who, caught off guard, stumbled back a few steps gasping for breath. “I hate you,” he screamed, all of his emotions coming out in a rush. “I hate you, I hate you, I hate you,” he yelled some more. He barely registered the stunned expression on his dad’s face. He grabbed his bike and jumped on it, shifted into first gear and flew out of the garage, out onto the street and down the hill. He had no idea where he was going. He just wanted to get away. Fast. It was all just too much.
He eventually found his way to The Woods. No one was in the spot where he and Kirk usually hung out. It was peaceful and quiet and he appreciated the solitude. In some brush behind a tree the boys had hidden a coffee can where they kept their cigarettes. Tommy opened it up and took out a pack of Kools, shook out a cigarette, grabbed a book of matches and lit up. Then he put everything away and stashed the can. He sat back against the tree smoking and going over the events of what had happened in the garage with his dad. God, what a mess, he thought to himself. I’m for sure in deep trouble now. Maybe I should just run away.
The afternoon slowly passed. Tommy watched the sun through the leaves of the trees as it moved across the sky. His radio had been strapped to his bike so he listened to it, smoked the occasional cigarette and contemplated his fate. To him his future looked grim. He figured his mom would ground him for the rest of his life. Who knew what his father was thinking? He was wondering if he really could ever go home again when a movement through the trees off to his left caught his attention. He turned. What the heck? It was his little brother Steve. Tommy stood up. “Hey. What are you doing here?” He tried to sound angry but didn’t have it in him. Truth be told, it was kind of nice to see him. The two brothers got along pretty well.
“Mom sent me out looking for you,” Steve said, looking around. “Nice place you have here.”
In spite of everything that had happened so far that day, Tommy had to laugh. “Yeah, it is. How’d you find me, anyway?”
Now it was Steve’s turn to laugh. “Everyone knows about this place. I’ve just never been before.”
“Geez,” Tommy sat down, shaking his head. “Nothing’s like it seems anymore.”
“You mean mom and dad?” Steve asked. Even though he was young, Steve seemed to catch on pretty quick.
“Yeah.” Tommy paused for a long time. “Am I in trouble?” he finally asked.
Steve laughed, “No, not really, but dad sure is. You should have heard the fight they had.”
And Steve proceeded to tell Tommy about how mad their mom was that their dad had told Tommy about the divorce. Apparently it was something she wanted to do with their dad with all the kids together. All at the same time. She chewed out their dad and then told him to leave. She didn’t even care so much about the slugging as much as getting Tommy home. “I think she’ll punish you, but I don’t think she’s all that mad at you.” He stopped and chuckled a little. “But, boy, was she ever ticked off at dad.”
Tommy took a few minutes to let it all sink in. The main thing he had been thinking about was the consequences he’d face after hitting his dad, and now Steve was saying that from their mom’s perspective, it wasn’t that big of a deal. Well, it certainly was confusing, that’s all Tommy had to say for himself. But it looked like he might get out of this only slightly scathed. That was Ok. He started to relax. In the background the radio played a steady stream of good old rock and roll music. Tommy and Steve sat there for a while longer, just chatting and listening to the radio. Finally Tommy stood up and dusted off the seat of his jeans. “Well, we’d better head out.”
“Yep. Time to face the music.”
“Yeah, I guess.” Tommy laughed a little at his brother’s attempt at a joke. Then the two of them walked their bikes through the woods and out to the road. They jumped on them and headed home, songs from the little transistor radio now a background to the thoughts circling through Tommy’s brain like a twisting tornado, roaring across the land, destroying everything in its path.
At the end of the day all he could say was that he wished he understood adults better. That was the thought that stayed in his brain after he got home, got chewed out by his mom and then got hugged by her before she sent him to his room to ‘think about what he’d done’ as if he hadn’t already done that all afternoon. When she called him down to dinner she put the incident into perspective by telling her children that ‘yes, your dad and I are going to get a divorce, but I’, and she emphasized “I”, ‘will do everything I can to make sure things around here proceed as normal as possible’. And that was pretty much that. They all sat around talking way past dessert and it was kind of nice, the way the family seemed to be pulling together. Really nice. Afterward Tommy’s mom pulled him aside. “Now more slugging, Ok?” She said. And Tommy assured her he wouldn’t do that again. She still grounded him for a week, though, except for when he had to go out and cut his customer’s lawns. Which all in all he felt was more than fair. When he went upstairs to listen to some music a little while later on he could have sworn she had a tiny smile on her face.
Summer symbolically ended around the first week of September with Labor Day on Monday and everyone going back to school on Tuesday. Kirk’s parents were going to throw a big party the Saturday night before and everyone in the neighborhood was invited. It was pot luck, bring your own everything and the police even agreed to provide barriers to close off the street that ran in front of Kirk’s parent’s house to accommodate the anticipated crowd. The week leading up to the party was very hot and humid. Temperatures were in the low nineties and the dew points hovered around seventy degrees making for a muggy, uncomfortable week weather-wise. Mrs. Everson’s lawn was starting to burn out, so Tommy made it a point to go over on days he didn’t mow to check to see if he needed to water and run her sprinkler. She appreciated him doing that. “Aren’t you a thoughtful young man,” she said more than once, causing him to get red and blush with embarrassment. “Yes, ma’am,” was all he could think to say, still having trouble carrying on a conversation with an adult. Mr. and Mrs. Sorenson had a cabin about two hours drive north of the city located right in the middle of lake country. When they were gone they entrusted Tommy with the care of the lawn, weeding the gardens and making sure Mrs. Sorenson’s many bird feeders were kept clean and full. When he told his mom about the extra responsibility she smiled and gave him a brief hug. The blow up over the visit with his dad had weathered a course of its own. There was kind of a mutual agreement between Tommy and his mom that what was done was done and it was time to move on. He felt just fine with that. Over at the Rose’s it seemed that Mr. Rose was apparently gone from the picture. He never saw the man. His car was never there whenever Tommy came to cut the grass. One day he got up the courage to ask about it. “Where’s Mr. Rose? I don’t see him around much.” Mrs. Rose looked both sad and relieved. “He’s gone away for a rest,” she said. “He became over worked at the college and needed to go away for a while.” She seemed to want to let it go at that. Tommy was glad to oblige. He still took care of the boys occasionally, though. Every now and then Mrs. Rose went out with some of her friends, or ‘girl friends’ as she called them. When she did that she always came home smiling. Not drunk or anything, just in a good mood. Seeing her happy made Tommy happy. He liked Mrs. Rose and her two boys a lot and always made sure he spent some extra time with Willie and Jessie when he’d finished cutting the grass.
On the Friday night before the day of the party a huge storm rolled through. Thunder and lightning filled the sky and some hail even fell. But Saturday morning dawned clear and bright. The storm has scoured out the heat and humidity and the air felt clean and fresh. It was going to be perfect weather for the party. During the day Tommy cut Mrs. Everson’s lawn and then his own lawn. Since it was Saturday his mom didn’t have to work. She ran errands to the grocery store, drug store, dry goods store and the like. Steve and the girls played together in the back yard. Steve supervised building a fort out of some old card board boxes and the girls even brought out a bunch of their Barbie dolls and played in the fort with them, much to Steve’s chagrin. Then Steve and Tommy played catch, tossing the baseball back and forth while the girls played nearby. From inside their mom put away groceries and watched occasionally from the kitchen window marveling at how well the kids were doing in spite of their father being gone. Then she sighed to herself, poured a cup of coffee and sat down at the table with a newspaper in front of her, not even seeing the page, thoughts turned inward. After a moment she shook her head, clearing away any negative images from her mind. Even though life didn’t turn out like she’d planned, she was intent of making the best of it. She called the kids inside for some Kool-Aid. It was still hot out and she didn’t want them to get dehydrated.
“Are you going to Kirk’s parent’s party tonight?” She asked Tommy.
“Yeah, I am, if it’s Ok with you.”
“It is. Just make sure you’re home by 10:00 pm. That’s curfew, you know.”
He didn’t even try to argue with her. Usually he had to be home by 9:00. The free hour was golden to him. “Thanks, mom,” he grinned and looked at Steve. “You going?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe. I might just stay here and watch TV. Red Skelton’s on.”
Tommy grinned. They both liked Red Skelton. He made them laugh and he could understand Steve wanting stay home. Even though they’d had the television for a few years, it was still sort of new to them. “Well, I’m going to the party. Kirk wants me to help out.” Which was an outright lie, but sounded good. Later he wondered why he even said it.
“I’m just going to stay here with Steve and the girls,” his mom said. “So you be good, you hear?”
“Yes, mom,” Tommy assured her, just happy to be able to go and stay out somewhat later than normal. His mom was giving him more freedom as the summer progressed. She said it was because he was being so responsible. Tommy gladly accepted his mom’s growing confidence in him, feeling like he was not only getting a little older but also growing up some. Her increased trust in him felt good.
After dinner Tommy checked his hair in the mirror, said good-bye to his mom, got on his bike and headed over to The Woods. The plan was to meet Kirk there. On the way over he had his radio on listening to The Shirelles, the Everly Brothers and all sorts of other good old rock and roll. The music put him in a good mood. By the time he got to the clearing in The Woods he was humming to himself, singing along to Freddy Cannon and a song called ‘Palisades Park’. Kirk was there along with a lot of their friends from the neighborhood. They all sat around for a while smoking cigarettes, talking and giving each other a hard time. Everyone’s spirits were high despite the fact that on Tuesday they’d have to go back to school. The general consensus among the boys was that getting to meet new girls in junior high outweighed having to sit in stuffy classrooms all day long. After the freedom of being able to be outside all summer the boys were tan and in good shape. Life really was pretty good. So if life was so good, why did what happen later on have to happen at all? Tommy asked himself that question over and over again in the days after the party.
Around 7:30 pm Kirk stood up. “Let’s hit the road boys. There’s a party goin’ on.”
Tommy laughed at the reference to a Sam Cooke song. “I’m with you. Let’s go.”
The whole crew of boys rolled out, racing down the path to the road and then over the winding, curving, hilly streets of the development to Kirk’s parent’s house. They parked their bikes behind the garage and went walking around taking in the scene. Whatever Tommy may have expected, he sure wasn’t prepared for what he saw. There must have been two hundred people milling around. Scattered down the street were about ten charcoal grills smoking with hamburgers, hot dog and steaks, manned by guys wearing chef’s aprons, some even wearing a chef’s hat. Everywhere he looked there were coolers of pop and beer. One of the houses on the block had set up a radio on a table in the garage and had it turned to one of the stations Tommy listened to and people were dancing in the driveway. It was like a carnival without the rides, just happy people blowing off steam. Shouts and laughter filled the air. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood. The gang of boys split up and started wandering around. A lot of them were looking for girls. Kirk punched Tommy in the arm. “Come on with me,” he said. “Let’s go inside where the good stuff is.”
Tommy was still gazing at the huge crowd of party goers and didn’t grasp the significance of what Kirk was getting at. Guys were dressed in madras shorts and short sleeve dress shirts colored either white or light blue. Women were wearing trim shorts or slacks with sleeveless tops in every color under the rainbow with yellow and red being the most predominant. Perfume wafted through the air and mixed with the aroma of cigarettes. Tommy wished he had the nerve to light up. Kirk waved his hand in front of his face. “Are you with me, man? Come on.”
“Where are we going?”
“Let’s go,” he motioned, waving his arm. “The kitchen is where the booze is.”
This was the point in the evening where Tommy could have said No. He could have just walked away. He could have maybe even found a quiet spot, bummed a smoke from someone and had a contemplative cigarette. But he didn’t. For some reason he just said, “Sure. Why not?”
They snuck around the back of the house and went in through a sliding glass door that lead to the living room. The house was filled with people, all smoking and drinking and laughing. They was a record player on blaring big band music that added to the noise and chaos. No one paid them the slightest attention as they walked through the living room, took a right, and went into the kitchen. On the counter stood a lineup of bottles of booze unlike anything Tommy had ever seen before. Bottles of whiskey, vodka and gin. Scotch and various bottles of wine. Kirk nudged Tommy. “What do ya’ think? Pretty cool, huh?”
Tommy felt dazed. Completely out of it. Maybe it was the party like atmosphere, the music, the laughter and the crush of all the people around him, but he felt like he wasn’t even himself anymore. In his mind flashed visions of the entire summer: the lawns he’d cut, the conversations he’d had with Mrs. Everson, Mr. and Mrs. Sorenson and Mrs. Rose and Willie and Jessie. He saw the bluebirds he’d watched with Mrs. Sorenson and the pretty flowers he’d helped Mr. Sorenson take care of. He heard Mrs. Everson reading to him from the book she was writing. He saw himself playing chess with Willie. He even saw himself slugging his dad. He saw how different he was now compared to the beginning of the summer. He saw himself growing up and getting older, more mature. He saw himself becoming more responsible. He saw his mom counting on him more and more. He saw it all in the blink of an eye, and just as quick, he blinked it all away. He gave Kirk a game smile.”It looks great, man,” he said, deciding to be reckless and take a chance, just for the heck of it. “Let’s have some.”
Kirk was pretty adept at mixing drinks. He waited until no one was around and then quickly poured a glass of coke and splashed some whiskey into it. “Here,” he said handing it to Tommy, “Try this.”
Tommy took a sip. It didn’t taste too bad. In fact, it tasted just like coke. “Tastes good,” he said, and took a larger drink.
Kirk laughed. “I just gave you a little bit.” He poured a drink for himself. “Let’s go for a walk.”
And that’s how the evening went. They walked around outside watching the party and everything that was going on and when their drinks were done, they’d head back to the kitchen, get more coke and whiskey and head out to walk around some more. What Tommy didn’t realize, though, was that with each subsequent drink Kirk was putting more and more whiskey in with the coke. The sun set and the sky turned from twilight to dark. By the time Tommy was supposed to go home it was pitch black out and he was so tipsy that he was having trouble standing up.
Kirk chuckled as he helped Tommy to his bike. They had moved it to the driveway. “Here you go, man. Ride carefully, now.”
Tommy was carefully trying to straddle his bicycle seat. The world was sort of spinning, tilting a little. But he felt wonderful. Felt happy. Felt like he could ride home with no problem at all. “Man, I feel so good,” he smiled at Kirk and draped his arm over his friend’s shoulder. “I’ve had a great time.”
Kirk, who was a little drunk himself, focused on steadying Tommy’s bike. “Best time ever, buddy,” he agreed. Then asked, “You all set, man?” Tommy nodded. “Then here you go.”
He gave the bike a shove, which meant Tommy had to navigate down the driveway, then take a left and go down the street. He made it down the driveway just fine, dodging people and laughing as he rode. And he made it down the street just fine, too, building up speed and dodging more people along the way. But by the time he got to the end of the block things started to go badly. The world started spinning faster and faster as he hit a slight downhill which soon turned into a steeper hill. He tried to steer straight but he was losing control. His front wheel was wobbling and he glued his eyes to it as if willing it to straighten out. At the bottom of the hill he was supposed to turn right but by then he was out of control. He never even came close to making the corner. At high speed he flew into the intersection, heart pounding and adrenaline pumping. He looked up in time to see a car barreling down upon him from the right, headlights blinding him. He tried to hit the brakes but his hands didn’t seem to want to grip the handles. He screamed No just as the car hit him catapulting him into the air, it’s brakes screeching and horn blaring like a banshee. The last thing he remembered was seeing his transistor radio spinning just out of his reach, over and over into the night, and then the world around him suddenly going dark.
When he came to he was in a bed that definitely wasn’t his. There was stringent, antiseptic aroma in the air and unfamiliar sounds all around. It was a hospital room. His mom was asleep in a chair next to his bed. As if prompted by some hidden motherly intuition, she woke up and let out a muffled yelp. She moved to him and gave him a big hug. “Oh, Tommy,” she said, choking up. “Whatever were you thinking.” And with that she broke down sobbing.
Tommy was in the hospital all day Sunday under observation. He’d suffered a mild concussion and broken his right ankle. He came home on Monday morning, got settled and later was surprised by the steady stream of visitors that started stopping by that afternoon. Mrs. Everson came by with a book for him to read. “I thought you might enjoy this,” she said, sitting primly in a chair by the bed his mom had made up for him on the couch in the living room. “The author is Jack London. He wrote about living in Alaska during the gold rush era around the turn of the century. This is a book of short stories of his. I used to teach about him in my English class.”
Tommy took the book gratefully. He’d heard a little about Jack London from his sixth grade teacher. He was genuinely touched by Mrs. Everson’s unexpected thoughtfulness. “Thank you so much, Mrs. Everson. That’s really nice of you,” he exclaimed. It was a touching gesture on her part. Tommy’s appreciation of the kindly old lady, which was already high, went up even higher.
After Mrs. Everson left, Mr. and Mrs. Sorenson stopped by. “Here you go, dear, Mrs. Sorenson said, handing him a shopping bag. He opened it and inside were a pair of binoculars and a book entitled, ‘Common Backyard Birds.’ “I thought you’d enjoy these,” she said with a smile. “When you get better you can come over and we can bird watch together.” Tommy could only nod his thanks, he was so taken aback. Finally he blurted out, “This is just great.” He then grinned and added, “I can’t wait to come over and watch birds with you.” Mrs. Sorenson patted him on the shoulder in an act of kindness and smiled at him. “We’re looking forward to seeing you get better.” They only stayed long enough to fill him in on the bird situation in the yard, and how the flowers in the gardens were doing. Tommy was surprised at how much he appreciated hearing the news. As they rose to leave Mr. Sorenson asked how long he was going to be laid up.
“For a while, I guess,” he responded. “I’ll miss the beginning of school.”
“I’ll bet you won’t mind that,” Mr. Sorenson joked and was quickly admonished by his wife.
“Don’t you listen to him, Tommy. You get better and get back to school.”
After they left, Mrs. Rose came by. “How are you feeling?” she asked, her expression full of concern.
“I’m Ok.” He pointed to his head which was wrapped with a bandage. “I’ve got a mild concussion. That’s why they wanted me to stay at the hospital yesterday.” He pointed to his right leg which had a cast on it. “I also broke my ankle when the car hit me.” He pointed to a pair of crutches propped by the couch, “I’ve got to get used to these to walk around.”
“You’re lucky you weren’t hurt any worse.”
Tommy sighed, “Yeah, that’s what my mom says.”
After a few minutes she got up to leave. “Willie and Jessie say ‘Hi’.”
“Say ‘Hi’ back to them,” Tommy said, touched that the boys had thought about him.”Tell Willie to get ready for some chess matches when I get better.”
What Tommy had told Mrs. Rose about his injuries was true. He was also scrapped up pretty badly on his arms and legs. The concussion was what concerned the doctors the most. The way it was told to him by his mom, who got the story for the police, was that when the car hit Tommy it broke his ankle. He then bounced up over the hood, hit the windshield with his head and rolled off the back of the car into the street. Fortunately there were no other cars behind him. He might have been run over and killed. Tommy had shivered at the thought when she told him.
Tommy’s mom was with him almost constantly throughout his stay in the hospital. Between visits from the doctors, the nurses and people just stopping by out of curiosity, they didn’t get a chance to talk much. The accident had made the news. Tommy was semi-famous in a way he loath to accept. He was honestly embarrassed and chagrined by the whole thing.
It felt good to be home resting on the couch. After his visitors had left for the day his mom sat down next to him wanting to talk about Saturday night.
“I still don’t know what you were thinking,” she said, her voice full of disappointment. “Whatever possessed you to do such a thing?”
Tommy had given that night a lot of thought. Unfortunately he didn’t have a good answer. Which wouldn’t do for his mom. He knew that. “I really don’t know, mom. Something just came over me. Once I started drinking the drinks, I just couldn’t stop.” He didn’t tell her that he didn’t stop because the initial feeling of inner warmth and well being was a feeling he really liked. He didn’t think that would go over too well with her.
“Well, all I can say is that I am very disappointed in you, young man. Extremely disappointed.” Tommy knew his mom cared deeply about him and right now she was mad but there was something more. He could tell. Her look was one he’d never seen before. It was a look of sadness. Sadness directed toward him. He’d let her down, and he felt horrible about that.
“I’m so sorry, mom. I’ll never do anything like that again.”
“I wish I could believe you.” She stopped and looked hard at him. “You know I need to count on you to help out more now that you father is gone. I have to be able to trust you.”
Tommy took in her words. He tried to understand what she was saying. He got the feeling that he couldn’t just write off his actions as the experimentations of a stupid kid. He was getting older and with that came more responsibilities. He was going to have to make more of an effort to toe the line. To be more mature. To act more adult. “I’ll do my best, mom. I don’t want to disappoint you again.”
She rose from the chair and came to his side and gave him a hug. “I know, Tommy. I just have to be able to trust you, Ok?”
He stiffly put an arm around his mom’s shoulder. “I promise I won’t do anything like that again, mom,” he said. “Really. I Promise.” In the back of his mind, he really wanted to believe it.
She stood up, brushed her hand over his forehead and bent to give him a kiss on his cheek. “I know you will.” She smiled at him. “You rest now. Call me if you need me.” Then she walked out of the living room and went through the door into the kitchen.
Tommy lay back feeling exhausted. Outside the sun was setting to the west. The day had been pretty hectic for him and it was nice to lay back and close his eyes and just rest. Which he did. When he awoke it was dark out. Someone had turned on the lamp on the table by the couch. There was also a vase full of flowers next to him. He stretched over to see who sent it. On the card was the simple word, ‘Sorry’. It was signed by Kirk. Tommy figured Kirk’s parents had sent them but he appreciated the gesture. He lay back again. What a summer it had been. So much had happened. He felt he was a different person from who he had been when the summer began. He’d had a job and he’d earned money. He’d sort of made friends with the adults he worked for. He’d punched his dad, the thought of which, once repugnant, now made him smile. He’d gotten drunk and almost killed himself. Man, he thought to himself, it was a lot to take in. And to top it off, junior high was starting. Life was getting complicated but he figured he’d learn how to deal with that as time went on. Learn how to handle getting older and acting more grown up. People like his mom were expecting it of him and now he was expecting it of himself.
But right now he was just tired. On the table by his head his mom had left his transistor radio. It was scrapped up from the accident but it still worked. Tommy turned it on, kept the volume low, and closed his eyes, listening to that good old rock and roll music that he liked so much. Ben E. King was singing ‘Stand By Me’. He rested in the quiet room envisioning riding his bike down a long, cool, tree lined country road, out to a place he’d never seen before. A place where not much was going on and where life was simple. A place where for only a little while he could feel like he could be young again and just be a kid.

They Say It Gets Better

The front desk in the story is like the one where I used to work. Everything else is made up based on thinking about how people are usually way different then we first make them out to be. For better or worse.

The name tag worn by the guy at the guard desk read Dan. His job was to check the ID badges of the employees as they entered the huge office building through the revolving doors from the parking ramp. All day long during his eight hour shift he eye-balled everyone that passed by, checking to see if the photo on the badge matched the person wearing it. His eyes were steel gray and they never seemed to stop moving, missing nothing. His hair was buzz cut so close that his scalp shone through. His blue uniform strained against his protruding belly. His gun belt was thick and black and the revolver seemed too big for its holster. He looked to be about fifty years old.
Dan never smiled. He rarely spoke and he seemed like the kind of guy you just wanted to avoid at all possible costs. So when tall, thin, haggard looking Jeremy Larson tried to walk by without his badge and Dan stopped him, who knew what was going to happen.
“Just a second, there, buddy.” Dan spat out aggressively. “What do you think you’re doing?”
Jeremy paused, confused, acting like he had no idea where he was. “What?” The question squeaked out.
“Your ID badge, pal. Where is it?”
Jeremy looked down at his shirt pocket where his badge was normally clipped. “Sorry. I must have forgotten it”
“You can’t go in, then. Rules are rules.”
Jeremy looked around, suddenly very distraught, like he didn’t know where he was. His eyes watered up. Then he dropped his briefcase, put his head on the counter and started to cry.
Dan was taken back. This just didn’t happen. People passing by glanced at the scene unfolding but just kept walking, clearly embarrassed for Jeremy but not wanting to do anything about it. Dan quickly took over. He called his boss, asked for an assitant, and then hurried around to where Jeremy was hunched over, all the while his eyes never missing a face or a badge passing by. He put his arm over Jeremy’s shoulder, picked up his briefcase and carefully moved him away to a quiet corner beyond the counter.
“Take over for me,” Dan said to the assistant when she showed up. “I’m going to take this guy for some coffee.” As he started walking away with Jeremy, Dan’s demeanor changed. “What’s the matter, man?” He asked compassionately. “What’s going on?”
Jeremy was clearly very shook up, but was able to softly articulate, “My wife passed away a month ago and I thought I was ready to go back to work. Guess not.” He added, with a weak smile of embarrassment.
Dan walked slowly beside him, arm still around Jeremy’s shoulder. All around them people hurried by, only a few giving the odd looking couple slowly making their way down the crowded hallway a passing glance. Dan’s eyes softened. He slowed his steps and ducked his head close to Jeremy’s ear. He almost whispered, “Hey, man, I understand. I lost my wife ten years ago. It’s still painful.”
Jeremy looked up at the big guard, searching his face. “Does it ever get better?” he asked, a hopeful expression in his voice.
Dan looked at him, taking his time with what he wanted to say. He felt for the guy. Felt an affinity with him and wanted to give him a sense of hope. “It does,” he said, quietly, and then added, “It’s hard, especially those first months, like you’re now finding out. But you know what? If you’re lucky, you eventually learn to live with it. It does get better with time.”
“You know, that’s what people tell me. But I don’t know if I believe them. I loved her so much.”
Dan slowed his pace and then turned Jeremy so they were facing each other. “You’ll find a way, man. You’ll have to.” Then he added. “For me it helped when I thought about what it was my wife would have wanted me to do. She would have wanted me to go back to work. You know, get out in the world and keep living.”
Jeremy snuffled back his tears. “Really?”
“Yeah. It helped me a lot to think like that.”
They continued walking down the hall. Jeremy seemed a little more comforted by Dan’s words. By the time they got to the break room, he seemed more in control of himself. “Thanks, Dan. I appreciate your patience with me.”
“Don’t mention it,” he said as they found two chairs and sat down. “It’s hard, I know it is. Believe me, you just have to have a little faith. It can work out.”
Jeremy smiled with a sense of relief. “I hope so. It’s been hell so far.”
Dan went for some coffee and they sat for a long time talking. Jeremy seemed to calm down and start to come to grips a little bit more with himself and the death of his wife. Dan was happy to see that. He wanted things to get better for the guy. But all the time they were sitting together he never let on the depth of the sadness he still felt. In fact it had been ten years, two months and seventeen days since his wife had died. The pain was still there. The loss still intense. The love not diminished. He was out in the world. He was working. Doing the things he should be doing. All those years that had gone by since her death and he was still waiting. He was still trying to heal. And, despite what he had told Jeremy, the truth of the matter was that for him, it really wasn’t getting any better.

The Kid From Arizona

This story is a condensed version of a long ‘novel’ I wrote in the early 2000’s. It’s based on a trip my brother and some friends of ours took to Denver in 1969.

Dan sat outside in the sun on the top step enjoying the quiet of the late afternoon. He’d just come home from work and it was nice to just relax and not have to deal with the noise from the lawnmower he used for the yards he took care of. He sipped a glass of ice water and looked out across the street to the west. He and three friends had been renting the bottom floor of this duplex in south Minneapolis for just a few months but already he felt like it was home. This area of the city was filled with mature elm trees and the big houses mostly had been built just after the turn of the century. A block down the street to his left was Lake of the Isles which was connected by a channel to both Lake Calhoun on one end and Bryant Lake on the other. There were parks all around, and walking paths, too. It was a great place for a nineteen year old to live in the summer of 1969.
He wasn’t thinking of anything much, just humming a tune in his head and idly watching a rabbit hop across the yard, when he heard a loud, muffler less roar of a car. He knew right away that it belonged to his friend and roommate, Tim, who pulled up to the curb in front of the house, parked and turned off the engine. Dan got up and walked down the steps and out to the street to greet his friend.
“Hey, man, what’s goin’ on?”
Tim got out of the car frowning. “I’ve got some bad news.” He walked over to where Dan stood and put a hand on his shoulder. “Michael’s dead.”
Dan slumped against the car. “What happened?” He was dumbfounded.
“He hung himself. In his bedroom. I got a letter from his mom.” Tim’s voice was quiet, unbelieving. He shook his head and led Dan over to the grass where they sat down. ” I just don’t get it. The last letter I got from him everything sounded fine. He seemed happy. He was looking forward to taking some art classes in school.”
Dan interrupted him. “What about his dad? How was he doing with that?”
“Not so good. His mom said he was still having trouble getting over his dad’s death.”
Nobody close to them had ever died before and they were unprepared to deal with the impact that losing a loved one had on those left behind. Trying to come to terms with the news, the two of them sat quietly, then, thinking back to the time less than two months earlier when they first met Michael. It was during the last week in June in Denver. Dan and Tim had driven there to see an open air concert in Mile High Stadium. After two days on the road, they chugged into town around noon and parked in a huge parking lot about a mile from downtown. There were young people all over the place, most of them heading toward the center of Denver, so they followed. Soon they came to a big park located right in the middle of downtown. It was a huge grassy area measuring one city block by two city blocks. There were groves of trees along the edge on one side and they walked over and sat down in the shade, taking in the scene.
“What’d ya’ think? Tim asked, watching the crowd. “Far out, huh?”
“Yeah.” Said Dan. Nearly speechless. “Amazing.”
The scene before them was unlike anything they’d ever witnessed. There had to have been over a thousand people milling around and more coming into the park all the time. Most of the guys had long hair, like Dan and Tim, and a lot of the girls wore granny dress. Incense filled the air, mixing with the scent of patchouli and pot. People threw Frisbees and played guitars and wooden flutes. Everyone was smiling and happy and the mood was mellow. It was like a scene out of a magazine, or a movie, or something you’d see on television. It was certainly like nothing Dan and Tim had ever experienced back home in Minneapolis.
Dan looked over at Tim, who had a big smile on his face. “Man, this is outta sight,” he exclaimed, and ran over to get a Frisbee that had landed near them. He tossed it back to a guy wearing a black flat brimmed hat with silver conchos on it. The guy flashed Tim the peace sign. Tim waved and settled back down. “Man, I can get into this.”
They laid back in the grass, enjoying the day. The sky was a clear blue and the air was warm and dry. The shade from the trees was welcome from the hot sun that was beating down relentlessly. Tim had lit up a joint and the two of them were smoking and chatting quietly when they noticed that a young guy had sat down near them.
“Come on over and join us,” Tim said, smiling. “Don’t be a stranger.”
Dan grimaced. Tim was always overly friendly when he was high. But the kid looked innocent enough. “Yeah, have a seat,” he said, encouraging him and waved his hand over the expanse of grass.
“We’ve got room for ya’.” Dan laughed, thinking he was funnier than he actually was.
But the kid didn’t seem to mind. He came over and sat down. “What’s your name?” Tim asked, handing the joint over.
“Thanks,” the kid said, taking it. “My name’s Michael.” He took a hit, held the smoke in and then blew it out, coughing a little. “Where’re you all from?” He asked with a shy but friendly smile. “I’m from Arizona.” There was something about the kid that put both Dan and Tim at ease.
Tim spoke first. “We’re from Minnesota. Minneapolis. You know, the City of Lakes.” He laughed and held out his hand. “Pleased to meet ya’.”
Michael sat down and made himself comfortable. They were still in the shade, away from the heat of the day and the grass felt cool underneath them. The kid was slight and slender, and, unlike most of the guys around in the park, he had short, dark hair that fell in bangs over his forehead. He wore blue jeans, a slightly tattered white tee shirt and black tennis shoes. He looked as normal as normal could be except that he carried his belongings in what looked to be a potato sack. He was shy but friendly. “You guys looking forward to the concert tonight?”
“Yeah. Can’t wait to see Creedence Clearwater,” Tim said. He was a huge fan.
“Me, too. I love those guys.” And Tim smiled, happy to a found a kindred spirit.
The three of them passed the afternoon relaxing in the shade and talking. It may have been the pot, but the more they talked, the more comfortable they became with each other. They were all in a good mood. Tim would jump up every now and then to chase a loose Frisbee that occasionally sailed by. Dan laughed a lot and was happy and relaxed. For him it was nice to be in a different city and have a change of scene. He hadn’t really had a break from his work for over a year. He felt himself calming down, enjoying the day and the company of the kid from Arizona. From his vantage point, if he looked west, there was a great view of the Rocky Mountains. There was something about their presence that made him feel calm.
Michael was also in a good mood. He filled them in on his trip to Denver. “Man, hitch hiking sucks. I caught a ride with a trucker north of Flagstaff who has just dropped acid.” Michael laughed and shook his head. “Man that was one crazy ride.”
“How long it take you to get here?” Tim asked.
“Three days, two nights. Slept in the desert outside of Grand Junction last night. Had a tarantula try to crawl into my sleeping bag.”
Why this seemed funny, god only knew, but Tim and Dan burst out laughing. After a moment so did Michael. “I’m not crazy about spiders.” He said, laughing some more. “But they’re way better than rattlesnakes.” And they all burst out laughing again. The conversation rambled on and on like that, and the longer they talked, the closer they became.
After a few hours the guys got thirsty. Dan volunteered to go to a diner they had passed on their way in a few blocks from where they were sitting. He wandered off west into the late afternoon sun, found the diner and brought back three huge containers of lemonade. Sitting down, he noticed right away something was wrong. Michael was crying. Tim looked nervous. Dan was concerned. Dealing with feelings was not something either of them was comfortable with.
“What’s going on?” He asked, looking at Michael, whose face was red and his eyes filled with tears. “Michael, man, what’s wrong?”
Michael looked up, took a moment to collect himself, and told them his story: He was seventeen and between his junior and senior year in high school. He was an only child, and lived in a nice suburban home with his mother. All of this seemed normal from Dan’s point of view. But the big issue for Michael, and the reason he had broken down, was that his father has recently been killed in the war in Vietnam. Michael’s father was a general and was in Vietnam on a fact finding mission, flying over what was considered a ‘safe’ area, when the plane he was in was shot down. The pilot and engineer were also killed. It had happened in mid May.
Dan and Tim looked at each other. What could they say? Michael’s pain and obvious need for consolation was evident, but neither of them knew what to do. They hadn’t been raised to feel comfortable with extreme emotions. Finally Dan scooted over next to Michael and did the only thing he could think of. He put his arm around his new found friend and just sat with him. Surprisingly he found that It didn’t feel too uncomfortable or weird.
After a few minutes Michael settled down. “Sorry, about that,” he said, wiping tears from his eyes. It just gets to me every now and then.”
Dan tried to be compassionate. “Don’t worry about it, man. It’ll be OK.” Whatever that meant, Dan didn’t know, but it sounded like the right thing to say. “The war sucks, man.”
“I appreciate it.” Michael was trying to get himself under control.
“Have some lemonade,” Tim said, handing over a container.
Michael took it gratefully, and they all just sat there for a while. Finally, Michael said, “Hey, I’ve got some mescaline. You guys want some?”
So the moment passed. But something had happened than had drawn them even closer together. They had shared feelings that were deep and personal, and although they hadn’t really analyzed what had happened, the fact remained that it had happened. And that it was something none of them had experienced before. They felt closer because of it.
Tim was more than happy to share a tab of mescaline with Michael. Dan declined, thinking they still might go to the evening concert. But it turned out that wasn’t going to happen. What happened was that the police raided the park. They showed up around 7:00 pm in force and moved through the entire area forcing everyone to get moving. Some were even on horses. So the three friends plus about five hundred other young people ended up being herded like cattle onto the streets of downtown Denver. Things were a bit tricky with Tim and Michael still being high. When Dan suggested that they go to the concert, the other two just started laughing. But after Michael’s revelation earlier about his father, Dan felt that the laughter was a pretty good thing. They could go to the concert the next night. When he brought it up to the other two, they didn’t seem to mind at all.
They walked up and down the streets for hours and found if they stayed moving the cops wouldn’t give them too hard a time. They enjoyed meeting people from all over the country. They heard that Denver was in the midst of a summer of race riots, and that the police were more concerned about blacks rioting than a bunch of long hair, peaceful and sometimes stoned hippies. Even though they felt bad that the blacks were getting hassled, at least the cops weren’t all that focused on the hippies wandering the streets. That was fine with them.
They spent the next two days together. Even though Michael had opened up to Dan and Tim about the death of his father, the guys didn’t really talk much about it again. Michael seemed happy to just be with the two others and to be included in what was going on. He seemed to enjoy the security of the two older guys. And, frankly, talking about feelings and deep issues wasn’t something neither Dan nor Tim were good at. They were good at taking care of Michael, though. They made sure he got enough to eat and got as much sleep as you could expect given they were living a day to day, hour to hour existence.
Friday night they snuck back to the park around midnight and slept deep in a grove of pine trees. They could hear other people nearby, but weren’t bothered by anyone. They slept relatively peacefully. The next day, they hung around the park again. The cops didn’t seem to mind people being out there in the daylight. In the early afternoon they made their way to Mile High Stadium and stood in line for the concert that evening. From home Dan had brought an assortment of colored class beads that he spread out on an old blanket he’d found. He passed the afternoon stringing necklaces and selling them to people walking by. Tim and Michael wandered around checking out the crowd. There had been some problems the night before with a few hundred of the concert goers trying to crash the gate, but today everyone seemed pretty mellow.
“There’s got to be five or ten thousand people around here.” Tim said as he came back sat down next to Dan. “Lots of great lookin’ hippy chicks.” He smiled and turned his face to the sun, closing his eyes. “What a day.”
“How’s business?” Michael asked, indicating the beaded necklaces Dan had spread out.
“Great. I’ve made around twenty dollars.” At a dollar strand, business was brisk.
Michael had become very comfortable being with Dan and Tim. They had been together for nearly a day and a bond of sorts had formed between them. “I want to thank you guys for putting up with me.” Michael said, out of the blue just after three girls in peasant skirts had each bought beads. “It means a lot to me.
“No problem, man.” Tim said. He indicated his thumb toward Dan. “Dan, there, kind of gets it.”
“What do you mean?”
Tim gave Dan a look like, Go ahead, tell him.
Dan took a breath. This wasn’t something that he like to talk about. “Well, it has to do with my father. He split from my mom four years ago. I don’t see him too much. He got married and moved to Seattle.”
Michael nodded. “It’s got to be rough.”
“It is. But not like you.” Dan hastened to add. “At least I see him occasionally.”
But Michael seemed comforted, somehow, that there was someone in sort of the same situation that he was in. Then, thinking about his dad, he asked, “What are you guys going to do about the war?”
Dan and Tim looked at each other. The war in Vietnam was something the guys and their friends back home talked about a lot. They had registered with the Selective Service when they had turned eighteen. But they both felt strongly about not wanting to go to war. Dan spoke up. “Well, we aren’t in college so we don’t have our student deferments. There’s talk of a draft lottery starting up in December. We’ll both be eligible for it. Who knows what will happen? With luck we’ll get high numbers and not have to go in.”
“You could enlist.” Michael suggested.
Dan shook his head. “I don’t think so.”
“Killing is not for us.” Tim said. Then, thinking he might have offended Michael, added. “Sorry, man.”
Michael nodded. “I get ya’. If my dad wasn’t in the military, he’d still be alive. Still be with me and my mom.”
Dan put his hand on Michael’s shoulder. “It’ll be OK.” He really felt sorry for his new friend.
Michael gave a weak smile. “I hope so.”
After a few minutes they all gave a collective shrug and the mood shifted to a lighter vain. This was a weekend to forget about war and the decisions they would soon have to make if they got drafted. December and the lottery was still a ways off. It was too nice of a day to get too far down.
The day grew hot, at least into mid-nineties. They passed the afternoon in the sun, talking to people, making trips to the gas station across the street from the stadium for water and generally getting excited for the upcoming concert. But more than that the bond between the three of them continued to grow. They were sharing aspects of their lives, like death and abandonment, that they hadn’t really done before with anyone else before. At least not in the context of talking about it among friends. And although they were inexperienced talking about those things, there was something about Dan and Tim that drew Michael in and there was something about Michael that made Dan and Tim feel that taking care of him and watching out for him was the right thing to do. A level of trust and commitment had developed between all of them and it was deepening the longer they were together.
The gates opened at 6 pm and the crowd pushed through in a fairly orderly fashion. The three friends quickly found good seats twenty rows back from the edge of the field to the right of home plate and settled in. The stage was set up in the infield and the first band was scheduled to play at 7:00 pm. Michael had another tab of mescaline that he split with Tim. Dan shared a few joints with different people sitting around them. By the time the first band played, all three of them were in mellow moods. They second band that played was called ‘Poco’ and the guys liked their country/rock sound. One of the members had been in ‘Buffalo Springfield’, a band all three of them had liked. When their set was finished there was a commotion way out to their right behind the right field bleachers. Gate crashers were trying to get in and the police had fired teargas canisters to try to disperse them. Unfortunately, a light breeze caught the gas and it filtered into the stadium and down the first base line, covering the crowd inside. People freaked out and ran onto the field, Dan and Tim and Michael joining them. Dan spotted the next scheduled performer and ran up next to him. Tim Buckley was a favorite singer/songwriter of Dan’s and when he asked him for his autograph the singer graciously agreed.
“Thanks. Have a good concert.” It was all Dan could think of saying after Buckley had handed him his autograph. Dan felt a little foolish. He then remembered his beads and fished out a strand and handed it over. “Here. This is for you. Thanks for all your music.”
Buckley took the stand and put it on. “Thanks, man. I Hope I get a chance to play,” he said, smiling, indicating the tear gas still floating into the now empty stands behind them.
Dan waved goodbye and went off in search of Tim and Michael feeling as if life could not get any better.
He meet up with his two friends a few minutes later and told them about his encounter with Tim Buckley. They were impressed. “Way to go.” Tim enthused and slapped Dan on the back. “We had something cool happen too. We meet a couple of girls who invited us to their hotel room for a party after the concert.” He indicated with his thumb the direction of the Holiday Inn located only a block from the stadium. “They’re from Wyoming. Freddie and Linda. They seemed really nice.” Tim then gave Michael a shove. “Casanova here, really dug Freddie.” Michael blushed but didn’t say anything. Dan could tell he was enjoying Tim kidding around with him. It made Dan feel good to see it.
After the tear gas cleared, the crowd moved back into their seats and the rest of the concert went off without a hitch. Tim Buckley was great, playing four songs. It was just him on twelve-string guitar and an accompanist on electric guitar. He put the everyone in a very mellow mood. Then Johnny Winter played and he rocked the crowd. At one point the wind came up and blew his black cowboy hat off, leaving his long, white hair streaming behind him. Then Creedence Clearwater Revival closed the concert, putting everyone in a party mood, on their feet and dancing and singing to every song. They made Tim especially happy, because he loved Creedence and mistakenly thought they had played the night before. Michael told them that if he could be anything in the world it would be the drummer for Creedence.
“I love the simple beat he plays,” Michael said dancing and air drumming to ‘Who’ll Stop the Rain’. He was relaxed and in a great mood. Dan loved seeing him so happy.
After the concert ended, they followed the flow of the crowd streaming out of the stadium and went in search of Freddie and Linda. The mescaline had really kicked in by then, so Dan had all he could do to keep track of his friends, who seemed interested in everything they saw and were forever wandering off. They finally made it to the hotel. Apparently everyone staying there had invited people to meet them because there were hundreds of young people milling around the entrance. When Dan tried to push through the crowd and get inside, he was told by a big security guy that only people with keys who were registered could get in. Dan relayed the news to Tim and Michael who didn’t seem to mind and seemed to had forgotten the earlier encounter with the two girls.
He corralled his two friends and they wandered the streets until they finally ended up in a huge parking lot about a mile from the stadium where they found an abandoned car. It was nearly three in the morning and they were all exhausted. The climbed into the car, made themselves as comfortable as they could and fell asleep. They were awakened just after dawn by the taping of a policeman’s Billy club on the windshield.
“Time to go,” fella’s he said. “You can’t stay here.” He was roly-poly kind of guy who was pretty relaxed about the whole thing.
“We’re on our way.” Dan said, grateful they weren’t going to get hassled. They crawled out of the car and headed back toward the stadium, feeling every bit the effects of the chemicals they’d ingested in the past twenty four hours.
Sunday’s concert started at noon. They figured they had four or five hours to kill so they found some shade near the gas station they’d got water from the day before and sat down, resting and talking quietly amongst themselves. They were all very tired and had no energy at all.
“I’m not sure I’m up for this,” Michael said, indicating the stadium. “Last night just about did me in.”
“I know. But I had a great time,” Tim said, smiled. “I loved hearing Creedence.” Michael smiled in agreement and gave a little air drum solo before laying back in the grass and closing his eyes.
Dan concurred. For him, seeing Tim Buckley was a dream come true. “And today we get to see Hendrix.” Seeing Jimi Hendrix was beyond cool. Hendrix was like a god. All of the young people idolized him.
But there was somber mood that was now hanging over them. They knew that their time together was coming to an end. Dan and Tim were planning to leave after the concert and drive straight through to Minneapolis. Tim had his job as a dishwasher waiting for him and Dan needed to get caught up with his lawn service. Michael, too, needed to get home. As much as he had enjoyed getting away he realized he should get back to his mom. Dan and Tim agreed.
“You’re all she’s got, man.” Dan said. “You can help each other get through this.”
Michael agreed. “Yeah, I know.” He paused, then asked, “Can we stay in touch?”
“Sure,” Tim said. “I’ve got some paper here somewhere.”
So they exchanged phone numbers and addresses. Dan and Tim pooled their money to buy Michael a bus ticket home.
They were able to rally their energy and make it to the concert. The event organizers opened a gate in the outfield and allowed anyone without a ticket to enter for free. The three friends took them up on their offer and joined hundreds of other young people in the bleachers in the outfield. Hendrix blew everyone away. Even the cops that paroled the stadium seemed to feel they were witnessing a rare event. By the time the last notes of ‘Voodoo Chile’ died away there was an mellow but excited air around Mile High Stadium. The three friends felt the music only heightened the bond they felt between themselves. And, for once, Michael and Tim didn’t do any mescaline. They all three only smoked a little pot, sort of in celebration, like a last good bye.
They finally did say ‘goodbye’ later that day in the early evening. They had walked a few miles back toward downtown with Michael to the bus station, bought his ticket, and even paid money so he could call his mom to tell her everything was alright.
Their final good bye was more sad than awkward.
“Well, this is it.” Tim said, giving Michael a brief hug. “We’ll stay in touch, OK?”
“I’d like that,” Michael. “You guys have been great.”
“You, too.” Dan said, giving Michael a big hug. And then…”Take care.”
There really wasn’t much more to say after that. They all knew something special had happened over the past few days, they just had no way of articulating it. And that was OK. Michael gave his two friends a final wave and got on the bus. In a few minutes he was gone, continuing to wave to them from the window as bus pulled out of sight, heading southwest to Arizona.
It didn’t seem possible that now, less than two months later, Michael was dead, gone for good.
“What did his mom say in the letter?” Dan asked, still sitting in the grass outside their duplex.
“Not much. She was sad, of course. They’d had the funeral a few weeks ago. Not many people showed up. Just some family, mainly. She found my return address on one of my letters when she was going through his things.” Tim shrugged. “She was quiet. Said she was going to move to Los Angeles to live with her sister. She sent her phone number, which we already have. That was about it”
“Too bad we didn’t know. Maybe we could have gone to the funeral.”
“Yeah, maybe. I don’t know. With work and all, it would have been hard to get away.”
“But we should have been there.” Dan said emphatically. Then, thinking of how few people had attended, added, “At least to say goodbye.”
But really, in his heart, he knew that Tim was right. They really couldn’t have gotten away. But, more than that, would they really have gone? After all, they’d only known Michael for a few days. Sure, they had shared something special, but that time was now past. Both Tim and Dan had moved on. In a few more weeks was another music festival they were thinking of trying to get to in Woodstock, New York. They had the rest of their lives in front of them. Michael’s death was a reminder that it could be snuffed out in an instant. Not for once did they think about Why Michael had hung himself, only that he was now dead and gone. For Michael, his life was fleeting and Dan and Tim had been a small part of it. They had shared a little of Michael’s life, but had not had enough impact to change a course of events that were probably in place long before all three had met earlier that summer in Denver. It was just the way it was, unfortunate but true.
They sat quietly, pondering their memories, thinking about Michael and how much they had really liked him. After a few minutes Tim got up and stretched. “Well, we should probably head inside and get something to eat.”
Dan sat still for a few moments, gazing off at the trees across the street, still thinking about Michael and what a sweet, shy kid he was. “Maybe we should call his mom, you know, and offer our condolences,” he said to Tim.
Tim was walking up the sidewalk to the house. “Yeah, maybe we should,” not sounded too convincing. Then he stopped and looked back over his shoulder. There was something about the look on Dan’s face. “You’d like that, right?” he asked.
“Well, I think his mom would like that,” Dan answered, getting up and following after his friend. “I think she’d like that a lot.”
So they thought about, and then talked about it, and later after dinner that’s what they did. They called Michael’s mom and relived with her, for a few minutes, that time in Denver, when they hung out with her son, and became friends. They ended up talking longer than they had expected. Michael’s mom, whose name was Sue, had a lot of questions about what her son had been like in Denver and Tim and Dan filled her in.
She liked hearing that he had been happy. They could almost hear her smiling on the phone. She liked hearing about his air drumming. “He loved the drums,” she said. “I was going to buy him a set for his birthday.” Then she became quiet for a moment. Dan and Tim started getting nervous thinking she would break down, but she seemed like a very strong lady. She took a deep breath and went on about how much Michael had enjoyed his time with them.
They talked for nearly a half an hour. It was a good conversation. Michael’s mom got to relieve with them a brief moment of her son’s life and have some happy thoughts, and Dan and Tim got a chance to share something with her that was special to them as well. They realized that they had made a little bit of an impact in Michael’s life after all. They had given him friendship and made him happy for a few days. And that was a good thing.
When they finally said goodbye to Sue they knew in their hearts that calling her had been the right thing to do. They felt a little older, and a little wiser. They went outside and sat on the steps looking west. The more they thought about it, the more they came to realize that the memory of Michael and the impact he’d had on them would last not just for a few weeks, or until the end of the summer, but just maybe for the rest of their lives.
The sun was down and the evening twilight was cool and refreshing.
“What do you think?” Tim asked. “Feel better that we called her.”
“Yeah, I do.” Dan said. “I think Sue appreciated it. She seemed like a nice person.”
“Well, Michael was pretty nice, you know. He probably got it from her.”
“Yeah, I can see that.” Then shook his head, “That Michael…He was something else.”
“He was. I don’t think I’ll never forget him.”
“Me neither.” They were quiet, then, for a few moments, lost in their own thoughts. Then Dan stood up and clapped Tim on the back. “Hey man, let’s take that car of yours for a spin around the lake. We need to decide if we’re going to Woodstock.”
And they walked down the sidewalk to Tim’s car. The sky was dotted with stars and a fresh breeze was blowing from the south. They had the rest of their lives in front of them. Some of it would be good, some of it bad. They weren’t ready for the summer to be over just yet.

Road Rage

While driving home from taking care of my grand-kids I was almost rear-ended by a guy speeding down the freeway. The experience became the idea for this story.

Joel Anderson loved driving cars fast. You bet he did. So when his old man died and left him eleven thousand dollars, he took the money, went to the nearest Ford dealership and used it for a down payment on a brand new black Shelby Ford Mustang. He drove it out of the lot onto the freeway and hit the gas, making it to nearly a hundred miles an hour in eight seconds flat. He was in seventh heaven. For the next few months he took the Mustang out and raced it all over the seven county metro area. The most fun he had, however, was driving it on Interstate 494 during rush hour when he would weave in and out of traffic going as fast as he could go. At those times he felt he was invincible and he never even once came close to having a brush with the cops. All was right in Joel’s world until his luck ran out one summer afternoon a few months after he’d purchased his car. It was the day he narrowly missed the rear end of an Oldsmobile driven by some old guy.
Simon Nicohols was seventy nine years old and rapidly fading. His health was alright but it was just that he was losing that spark of life that he normally relied on to keep him going. He lived in a nice one bedroom apartment in the Lakeview Retirement Home in a west metro suburb. His wife passed away two years ago. They had been married for fifty five years and although he missed her terribly, he was trying to cope, just as he knew she would have wanted him to do. His three daughters all lived within an hour’s drive from him and he saw them often enough to feel like he was in touch with their lives. But it was his own frame of mind that he was concerned about.
Simon had been a salesman for Toro, a well known lawn mower company whose headquarters was located in the suburb of Bloomington, a half hour drive from where he now lived. He sold primarily to small, independently owned hardware stores in outstate Minnesota and the surrounding four state area. He’d spent most of the early years with the company on the road visiting his ever expanding customer base and making the occasional cold call. He had retired after forty three years of service when he was sixty five. He was well respected as an honest, truthful person and his customer base was tops in the company. So driving was a big part of his life. He had been provided with a company car, but, in addition to that, he had also purchased an brand new Oldsmobile 98 in 1980. It was dark brown with a white top and white leather interior and it was the pride of his life. He and Ann, his wife, had used it for family vacations, and, after the kids had left home, trips of their own. He still owned it.
If you were to ask him about his life, Simon would say this: ‘My life has been good. Ann and I were married for fifty five years and they were the best years of my life. We had three great kids, all girls and they are all happily married. I have ten grandchildren. My job was good. I enjoyed my customers and didn’t mind being on the road, traveling to maintain my accounts. Even though I was gone during the week, and even though I may have missed some of my kid’s soccer games and some school events, in the end, my job helped pay our bills. We weren’t rich, but we weren’t poor either. Like I said, my life had been good to me.’
Which was true. Simon had lived a good life. He was of a generation where hard work and sacrifice for the family was considered a benchmark for most men. And he was happy with that and so was Ann and so were his kids. If you asked Sara, his oldest daughter, what it was like having Simon for a father she would say: ‘He was a good dad. He was gone a lot when we were young, but when he was home he devoted as much of his time to us as he could. He taught us how to ice skate and took us sledding in the winter. He went to our ‘T’ ball games when we were young and softball and soccer games when we got older. He was a little old fashioned but he was fair. I always knew I could count on him for good advice even if I didn’t always follow it. I think he’s a great role model for my kids. I’ve seen lots worse fathers.’
But a few months ago Simon felt himself getting into what could only be described as a funk. At least that’s what his middle daughter Cathy would call it. Or maybe a mild depression. When she stopped by for a visit she commented, “Dad, you just don’t seem yourself lately. Is it something to do with Mom being gone? Do you miss her?”
“Of course I miss your mother,” Simon replied, somewhat testily, “I don’t see why it’s any concern of yours.”
Cathy wasn’t going to take any guff from him. “You don’t have to get mad, I’m just concerned. OK?”
Simon was not one to open up to any of his kids, let alone Cathy. But he wanted to let her know she didn’t have to worry. “Look, I’m sorry,” he said, softening his tone. “I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. You just worry about Bob and those three kids of yours.”
Cathy knew from past experience when a discussion with her Dad was over. “Alright, alright,” She put her hands out in surrender. “I get what you’re saying. Just let me know if I can help, OK?”
Simon appreciated that his daughter cared, but what was going on with him couldn’t be fixed by one’s children. It was only something that he could do himself, and that’s what he was trying to do.
Lately he had taken to driving his Oldsmobile back to his old haunts. Back to the past if you will. He had been enjoying going out and revisiting old memories. It all started just after his conversation with Cathy when he’d decided to take a drive back the old neighborhood and the street where he and Ann had raised their family. He’d spent most of one day cleaning the Olds, vacuuming the interior extra clean and waxing the exterior to a brilliant, glossy shine. The next day he headed out almost as if drawn by some unconscious force. As he turned onto the street where they’d lived old memories came flooding back. He was unprepared for the onslaught of emotion that washed over him: holidays filled with laughter, a Christmas tree he and the girls had driven out to the country to cut down, a home filled with the aroma of fresh baked bread, chocolate chip cookies and apple pie, good times spent celebrating countless birthday parties for the kids. He saw a scene in his mind of the girls when they were young hunting for colorful Easter eggs. He saw a lifetime of memories he thought he’d forgotten. They flooded over him in a torrent. Wave upon wave. He was overwhelmed. He pulled over to the curb and turned off the engine. The house looked nearly the same as when he and Ann and the kids had lived there forty years ago. The shaded front yard still had hosta planted around the edge of the house. Hosta that he and Ann had planted the summer before their first daughter Sara was born. The house was an off-white stucco with dark green trim. It looked to still be in good shape. He started the car and pulled forward, looking into the back yard. The big maple tree was gone and the yard was nice and sunny. It looked like the family that now lived there had planted a vegetable garden. He smiled to himself, approving of the change.
He then drove down the street and crossed over to the next block where the park was. City parks were a god-send to young families like his and Ann’s. They provided a place for the kids to play on swing sets and slides and open space to play all kinds of games. The park brought back more wonderful memories, and, again, he parked the car and stopped, reliving the past and soaking in the good emotions that came with the scenes playing like a favorite old movie in his head.
He must have fallen asleep, because he was startled awake by a gentle tapping on the window his head was laying against. He shook himself awake and looked to his left. A policeman was standing next to his car, looking in. He motioned Simon to roll down the window which he did. “Are you OK, sir? Anything I can do for you?” He was very polite.
Simon smiled, “No. Thanks. I was just resting. I must have dozed off.”
“You’re sure?” He had a questioning, concerned look.
“Yes, officer. I used to live around here.” He made a motion behind him. “Back there between 46th and 47th. Just visiting the old neighborhood.”
The guy gave Simon a good looking over and said, “Yeah, it looks like a good place to raise a family.” Then he must have decided he was Ok and harmless enough. “Ok, then. You have a good day.” He gave Simon a smile.
Simon was relieved. “Thanks, officer. You too.”
The policeman was one of those guys who patrolled on a bicycle. He patted the roof of Simon’s car, got on his bike and pedaled away. Simon watched him ride down the street, already forgetting the encounter, already heading back in time. He was remembering a summer day when he and the girls had spent an entire Saturday afternoon at the park kite flying. He could hear the kid’s laughter and he could see them running after the bright yellow kite, chasing the long tail he’d fashioned out of an old sheet. He sat there smiling. People passing by might have thought he was maybe some sort of crazy old man except that they didn’t. He just looked too peaceful to be considered much of a threat, too calm and unassuming. After a while Simon shook himself out of his revelry and began the drive home, thinking that he was starting to feel better about himself. Better about life. Better, anyway, than he had felt in a long time. So he decided to keep searching out those old memories, those old haunts of his. There might be something to them. Something worth experiencing.
The next week he drove to where he’d gone to high school. He had seen on the news some years back that it had been torn down and replaced by a ten story apartment building. Time marches on, he’d thought to himself when he’d first seen the story. There wasn’t much you could do about that. But he drove to the location anyway and parked across the street and, like when he had gone back to the old neighborhood, just being by the site of his old high school brought back a flood of memories. Good memories. Memories of him playing basketball and being a forward on a team that nearly made it to the state tournament his senior year. Memories of being on the track team and lettering in the high jump. Memories of his first girl friend, Margaret Loftgren, and memories of nights spent parking down at a secluded spot near one of the city’s lakes. Memories of teaches he’d liked and classes he’d taken. All those memories helped to fuel the fire inside of him that had somehow been smoldering and had almost gone out. But now some embers were sparking. Like the friendly flames in a cozy fireplace, he was feeling touched by something from the past that was helping lighten his mood. He drove home even more energized than before. It was as if the memories of the life he’d lead were building him up somehow, reconstructing him, making him whole again and, in so doing, helping him to get over the funk that he had fallen into.
The following week he drove over to the University of Minnesota, parked his car and started walking around the campus. He’d forgotten how lovely it was among the century old buildings, so solid, so reassuring. How pretty Northrup mall was, outlined with tall stately maple trees, and how cool and inviting the grass looked, waiting for someone to plop down open a book and start reading, only to fall asleep in the peaceful, restful shade. With a sense of anticipation he walked to Walter Library, the place where he and Ann first met when they were students. He went inside the century old building taking a moment to breathe in the comforting aroma of old books that wafted over him. There was a sense of security here. It was almost like coming home again. He walked through the stacks to where he had literally bumped into Ann when they both rounded a corner at the same time nearly sixty years ago. He’d knocked her books from her arms and as he bent to help her pick them up their eyes met, and it was like they both knew right then and there that they would be together for the rest of their lives. They’d begun dating and were married in the summer two years later after they both had graduated. As he walked around the campus, he couldn’t believe how wonderful those old memories coming back to him felt. He had to sit down more than once, just to compose himself. It was here that his life really had begun. That chance meeting with Ann had set the course of his life in a direction that had given him the opportunity to marry, have a family and make something of himself. Later that afternoon as he drove home he felt himself again re-charged and energized by what the memories of those old days were doing to him. He was actually feeling happy again. It was like a magic wand had been waved over him and a glorious spell had been cast. Except this wasn’t magic, it was real. He felt himself smiling for the first time in a long, long time.
Less than a week later he was listening to the local radio station that on Sunday nights played big band era swing music from 10 pm to midnight. He loved Benny Goodman, Count Basie and Ella Fitzgerald but, really, any swing era band would do. On this particular night Goodman’s band was playing ‘Sing, Sing, Sing’ when the thought came to him that he should seek out the old Riverview Super club in Minneapolis just north of the city on the Mississippi River. He and Ann used to go there often when they were first married and continued to make time to go there even after the kids started being born. Because he traveled so much during those early years, he made it a point to take Ann out on the weekend as often as they could afford. The Riverview was where they could get an inexpensive meal and dance to whatever band happened to be playing on the stage that overlooked the big hardwood dance floor.
With a sense of excitement the next day he drove to where he remembered the supper club was located. He was disappointed to find it wasn’t there. Instead there rose into the sky a high rise luxury condominium complex called, appropriately, The Riverview. Across the street and down a half a block was a bar that looked reasonably safe. He parked the Olds, locked it, walked down the street and went inside. It was just after 2:00 in the afternoon and the bar wasn’t very crowded. There looked to be a manager seated near the front door, paging through the Star and Tribune Newspaper. Simon approached him,
“Excuse me, could I ask you a question?”
The guy appeared to be around sixty years old and seemed friendly enough.”Sure. What’s up?”
“Do you know anything about the Riverview Supper Club that used to be down the street?”
He set the paper aside. “They tore it down in the nineties. Part of improving the riverfront,” he said, using air-quotes around improving. “Damn shame if you ask me.” He looked quizzically at Simon. “Why?”
So Simon told the guy about how he and Ann used to go there on dates to have dinner and dance to the bands that passed through town back in the fifties and sixties. The guy was impressed and seemed to like talking about the old days. He took Simon to a booth, bought him a beer and they spent the next hour talking about what it was like for Simon and Ann to be in the supper club.
“It was a lot of fun for us,” Simon told Tim, who the guy had introduced himself as. “We were young and in love. Didn’t have much money. I worked hard all week and Ann worked hard raising the kids. Going to the Riverview was a good way to relax and have some fun together. Some great bands used to play here. We heard Benny Goodman a few times.”
“With Gene Krupa on drums, I’ll bet,” Tim said. Simon nodded, grinning. Tim smiled as well. “Too bad they had to tear it down. It was sort of a land mark around here.”
Simon looked off into the distance. “It was a great place. I’ll never forget it.”
“Sounds like you’ve got some great memories, though,” Tim said.
“More than some, young man,” Simon smiled. “A lot more.”
They talked awhile longer and then Simon had to leave. As he rose Tim clapped him on the shoulder and shook his hand. He’d had a good time talking to Simon. “You’re welcome here anytime, buddy. The beer’s always on us.”
Simon laughed and went out to his car again recharged with the power of these old memories that seemed to just make him feel better and better. He hummed parts of ‘Take the A Train’ by Duke Ellington all the way home.
The following week he placed a long distance phone call out to Brownsville, a medium sized town in the western part of the state near the South Dakota boarder. His friend Steve Vossen picked up on the third ring.
“Steven, old man, is that you?” Simon liked to give his friend a hard time. Steve was almost twenty years younger. “Can you still hear me? You aren’t getting deaf, are you?”
“Simon, you old so and so. What’s the good word?”
Simon and Steve had met back in the late fifties when Simon was first starting out. Steve’s dad had run ‘Vossen’s Hardware’ back then. After getting to know each other over the course of a few months, Simon had sold Steve’s father his first order of Toro lawnmowers. Steve now owned the business. They’d been friends for many years. If you asked Steve what he thought about Simon, this is what he’d say: ‘Simon’s one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met. Salt of the earth kind of guy. Dependable as the day is long, if you get my drift. He’s the god father to my second oldest son. I can’t think of anything negative about him except that I swear he cheats at cribbage. I’ve never caught him, by the way, but sometimes I just don’t get how he can win like he does. But don’t get me wrong, if that’s the only thing wrong with him, what the heck, that’s OK with me.’
The two friends had a long talk reminiscing about the old days, as well as getting caught up on what was going on now. Maintaining a local business in a rural town was challenging these days, but Steve was good at what he did. His hardware store was doing just fine. It made Simon proud of Steve and his family. After they had hung up Simon was feeling pretty good. Talking to Steve had reminded him of how much he had enjoyed his job, and especially how fond he was of the many friends he had made during all those years. Yep, and when he took a few minutes to think about all the places he’d visited over the past few months and all the good memories that had come back to him, he realized that life had been good back when he was young just starting out in his career, and it was good now even as he was getting older. The more he thought about the more he felt as if he had turned a corner. He felt rejuvenated. The dark mood he had been in was gone. He had an extra jump in his step. He felt alive.
He felt so good, in fact, that he decided the next day to go for a drive into Minneapolis, have lunch at the beautiful old mansion that housed the Swedish Institute and then go for a walk around one of the city’s lakes. It was a fine day to be out and about. He had Swedish meatballs for lunch which had been a favorite of Ann’s and he had them as a sort of homage to her. They were as tasty and as flavorful as he remembered them being. Afterward, he drove over to Lake of the Isles. The day was sunny and warm and his walk around the lake was both peaceful and invigorating. Gulls soared above him calling and reminding him of a wonderful vacation he and Ann had spent on Mackinac Island in Michigan. Today’s blue sky and white cumulus clouds seemed to reflect back the sunny mood he was in. As he walked other strollers coming toward him nodded a greeting and some even said Hi. In a while he was joining in, greeting people with a smile and a nod, echoing the spirit of the day. His senses were alive and he felt he had reconnected with his life. He felt he was back to being himself again.
He decided to stop at a nearby co-op on the way home for some fresh fruits, vegetables and eggs supplied by local farmers. When he was done shopping he got on the freeway just as rush hour was beginning and was cruising home comfortably in the middle of the three lanes. He was reliving in his mind how much better he was feeling about his life compared to a few months earlier when suddenly out of the blue some nut case in a fancy black Mustang swung across behind him changing lanes from left to right, missing his rear bumper by inches and nearly crashing into him. He almost had a heart attack. He clutched at his chest and then realized that he was OK, just rattled. What the hell was that guy trying to do? Simon thought to himself. He could have killed me. He could have killed anyone. Simon watched the car swiftly speeding away, weaving in and out of traffic. What a damn fool. Someone ought to do something. And as he drove along watching the guy speed into the distance, an idea occurred to him. The more he thought about it, the better he liked it. Maybe he was just the guy to do something about it.
Joel was laughing to himself. The near miss with the old car fired him up, getting his adrenalin really surging. He was flying down the freeway feeling as if he was one-with-the-road when his dash board started dinging. What the hell, he thought to himself and then he knew what the trouble was. The dinging was a warning. He was almost out of gas. He’d have to stop soon. Damn. He made a move into the right lane, positioning himself to get off at the next exit. It was a mile ahead. He’d get gas and get back in the game. A pit stop was how he thought of it. Just like the Indy 500. In and out. Should just take only a minute or two. Behind him Simon had eased the petal down on his Olds and was slowing gaining on Joel’s black Mustang.
Simon watched as the Mustang made a power turn off the freeway onto the exit ramp for Rockford Road. It was in the right hand lane, it’s turn signal light flashing. The whole car seemed to vibrate as the brake lights came on and the car screeched to a stop. What the heck, Simon wondered, watching the Mustang. What’s this guy up to? Never mind, he told himself. He had something he had to do. He wasn’t in the mood to just be an observer in life anymore. He was going to take some action.
Simon came off the freeway and maneuvered into the left lane. Cars were slowing down in front of him and he was able to judge the distance so that he came to a stop next to the Mustang and just a half car length behind it. The positioning was key because during the chase up the freeway, Simon had devised a plan. He reached over to his grocery bag and pulled out the carton of eggs and set it on the passenger’s seat. He opened it and took a grade A extra large in his hand and gently tossed it up and down. He liked the feel of it. He used the electric control on his arm rest to lower the passenger side window. When the window was down he was ready. He watched the traffic signal up ahead and when it turned green the cars in front of him started moving. He nudged his car up next to the Mustang and wondered for a brief moment if he should really go through with it. Then made his decision. What the hell, why not? He cocked his arm and let fly. The egg hit the passenger window of the Mustang with a resounding ‘splat’ spewing egg slime all over the shining black car. Simon laughed to himself and grabbed another egg. Just as the guy was opening his car door and standing up, Simon let fly again, the egg hitting the guy square in the chest. The cars in front of Simon had moved forward and he followed them to the intersection with Rockford Road where he turned left, crossed the bridge over the freeway, and took another left back down the entrance ramp and onto the freeway again. Just like that he was heading home, feeling a level of excitement he’d never felt before. He’d done it. He’d shown that guy what it was like to mess with someone like him, who, old man or not, still had a little life in him. Simon obeyed the speed limit all the way back to Lakeview, occasionally looking in the rearview mirror, wondering if the guy might be coming after him. But he didn’t have to worry. He’d never see that black Mustang again.
Joel freaked out when the first egg hit his window. Peering through the mess he could see that some old guy next to him had thrown it. Well, he’d show him who was boss. He’d teach that idiot a hard lesson. Joel was scrambling to get out of his car when another egg hit him square in the chest, egg gunk soaking into his shirt. He literally saw red he was so mad. He was making a move toward the car when the old guy sped away. Joel jumped back into his Mustang and put the car in gear revving the engine. But he had nowhere to go. The line of cars in front of him hadn’t moved. He had angrily swung the Mustang half way into the left lane when a car coming up from behind smashed into his front left wheel and fender, pushing his car into the car in front of him, crushing the front of the Mustang like a huge metal accordion. It was a rush hour traffic accident not uncommon for this time of day. Glass and car parts were strewn all over the place. It was a real mess. Joel wasn’t going anywhere soon.
Simon actually did see the Mustang one last time. It was on the 6:00 local evening news. No one had been seriously hurt in the accident, and it may not even have made the broadcast except for the fact that the police had been searching for the black Mustang for over a month. A reporter interviewed a spokesperson from the highway patrol. “Yeah, we’ve been looking for this guy, but never were able to catch him. Had him on surveillance cameras and everything but never got a good image of his license plate. We even had a nick-name for him, ‘The Scorpion’, ’cause of his car and everything.” Watching the guy from the highway patrol you could tell he was almost giddy. When the reporter asked about the egg throwing incident, he just laughed, “Well, for us, that’s not real important. The guys on the force actually thought it was kind of funny.” He smiled, then tried to turn serious again. “Catching this guy with the fancy Mustang is a big deal for us. He was a real danger to other drivers. He won’t be driving anytime soon.”
Simon was fixing his dinner while the news was on. He was making an omelet sprinkled with some shredded cheese added extra just for fun. He sat down as the story about the apprehension of ‘The Scorpion’ was wrapping up. The spokesperson from the highway patrol was saying, “We heard that an old guy in an old car was the one tossing the eggs. We don’t recommend anyone doing this, of course, but we aren’t going to worry about pressing charges.” You could see the guy was barely able to keep a straight face.
Later that night, Cathy called. “Dad did you see the news? What did you think about that old guy throwing the eggs at that speed freak? That wouldn’t be something you would do, would it?”
Simon joked with her, not wanted her to think he might have done it, “You know maybe I would. It might feel good to let off a little steam now and then.”
“Dad,” Cathy pleaded, “Please don’t say you are condoning this. You always taught us to behave and follow the rules.” She sounded worried.
Simon laughed, “I know, dear. I’m just kidding. Don’t worry. I’m just a crazy old man.” He laughed again and then changed the subject. “Now, tell me how Bob and those grandkids of mine are doing.”
After they hung up, Simon sat back in his chair and closed his eyes. He saw a flood of those memories from the past months washing over him like a wave carrying positive feelings of emotion and strength and happiness. He felt more alive than he had in a long time. In the future he wasn’t going to go out looking for trouble, no, he wasn’t that kind of a guy. Besides, it wasn’t about responding to trouble. It was about being alive and feeling like your life was worth something and taking control of it when you could. That’s how he felt. Tomorrow he’d go for a drive. Just for the fun of it. Maybe head down the Mississippi to the quaint river town of Red Wing. He and Ann used to go there for little getaways. Sometimes they’d even see eagles soaring. If he was lucky maybe he’d see some tomorrow. Yep, that sounded like a good thing to do. It was time to rekindle some more good memories. Maybe even make some new ones. Time to enjoy being alive.

Still Waters Run Deep

My neighbor in an apartment building I lived in some years ago took the bus into downtown Minneapolis early every work day and came home via bus usually around 9:00 pm every night. He was very quiet and we only spoke in passing. I often wondered what his life was like. It gave me the idea for this story.

The early morning express bus from the western suburb made three stops before getting on Hwy 394 and beginning it’s twenty minute non-stop trip into downtown Minneapolis. Doug Larson always arrived at the first stop promptly at 6:40 am. He lived in a tiny, one bedroom apartment just a few blocks away, close enough to walk in even the most inclement weather. He had been riding the bus into work for the past twenty years. He was fifty nine years old and had been divorced for nearly thirty years. He was one of those guys you rarely noticed, and if you did, you immediately forgot about.
Doug liked his time alone on the bus ride. He always read the newspaper, feeling guilty if he didn’t at least try to keep up with both the local and national news of the day. He was usually finished by the time the bus arrived at his stop on the corner of 6th Street and 10th Avenue. He worked as a mortgage consultant for US Bank whose offices were in the US Bank building near to his bus stop. It was the same job he’d held for the entire twenty years he’d been employed by the bank. He was a solid, reliable employee who had no aspirations of going anywhere in the company but where he was right now. He was at his desk every day at 7:30 am promptly and he worked until 5:00 pm, stopping only for a fifteen minute break in the morning, a forty-five minute break for lunch, and another fifteen minute break in the afternoon. After work he walked five blocks to the First United Presbyterian Church where he spent the rest of his day and early evening volunteering his time as a book keeper and accountant for the church. He boarded the days last express bus out of the city at 8:30 pm and was usually back to his apartment by 9:15 pm. Day in and day out this was Doug’s life. He never thought much about it, he just did it. But all of that changed one day when Evelyn Young sat down next to him one morning in early summer just as he was settling in to read his paper.
“Good morning, young man,” she said, with a pleasant expression. “Nice day, isn’t it?”
“What the heck?” Doug sputtered and jumped in his seat. To say he was taken aback was putting it mildly. “What…What do you want?” he stammered. He gave her a quick look, thinking maybe she was an addled old lady and waved a hand at her, like shooing a fly, “Get away from me.”
She laughed, “Don’t worry, young man,” she said, poking at him with her elbow, “I’m just making conversation.”
Doug noticed that some of the passengers around him were half way watching and kind of smiling. Maybe he was over reacting. Maybe she was just a harmless old lady. He certainly ran into enough of them at his church. Calming down a bit, he decided to be a little nicer. “Sorry. You just startled me.”
The bus was picking up speed as it merged with the traffic on Hwy 394. She must have boarded on the last stop. Probably where the Lakeside Senior Housing complex was. He didn’t want to be rude, but he was curious about where she lived. You never know, he thought to himself, she might just be lost and confused about where she was. “Are you from around here?” he asked.
“Yep. Just back there at Lakeside. My name is Evelyn. Evelyn Young. You can call me Evie.”
Well, that answered that. The old lady seemed pretty sharp and certainly had her wits about her. In addition, she actually seemed kind of nice.                                                                                           “Pleased to meet you, Evie,” Doug said politely. He relaxed a little and began to turn his attention to his paper. Even though he was uncomfortable with her next to him intruding on his space, he decided to put up with Evie for the ride into Minneapolis. How bad could it be? She was a nicely dressed, small statured, gray haired old lady. Probably harmless. He turned his attention to his newspaper. “Now if you don’t mind…” He made it a point of rustling the pages.
“I don’t mind,” Evie said, and reached over him. “Mind if I borrow the sports section?”

Evelyn Young was seventy eight years old and had recently moved into the Lakeside Senior Living complex. She had been a widow for the past ten years and had eventually been unable to continue to maintain and keep up the home left to her by her late husband. After Fred had died Evelyn had not missed him for a moment. Heartless old so and so she’d permit herself to think when she thought about him, which was rare. He’d been a philanderer and emotional cripple and she didn’t miss him for a moment. ‘Good riddance to bad rubbish’ would be the plaque she’d have put on his grave stone if her children had let her, which they hadn’t, which was probably for the better in the long run. Who knew what some future archeologist would think if they happened upon that kind of inscription?
Evelyn didn’t mind living at Lakeside. She wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but she knew she was getting more and more frail as the years went by. That was OK. Her mind was still good and she was fit as a fiddle, as she’d tell anyone who asked. She was resigned that Lakeside would be the last place she would probably live. She even permitted herself to hope that she would die there and not stuck in some soulless room under the glaring lights of a sterile, hospital bed, with white noise in the background and the smell of death and disinfectant all around her. No, that’s not what she wanted at the end of her days. Not in the least.
She had three children, two daughters and a son. She was closest to her oldest daughter, Amy, who lived with her husband and four kids in Apple Valley, a suburb forty minutes from her. Her other two children lived out of state, one in Oregon and one in Delaware. She saw them once or twice a year and that was fine with her. She stayed in touch by phone and through email and Facebook. She didn’t feel lonely for her kids at all. She enjoyed the freedom of being able to live out her life the way she wanted to live. She was doing a pretty good job of it, too, if she did say so herself.
After Fred had died Evie started volunteering her time to various organizations and charities around the Minneapolis area. Fred had been a successful businessman. He had also been cavalier with his spending and investments. As a result Evie was not wealthy but had enough money in savings to live fairly comfortably at Lakeside. She felt good about giving her time to others. She belonged to “Story Time Players”, a group of seniors who went to local schools and did readings and plays for grade school children. The group was currently on hiatus during the summer school break, but would soon get together and start planning and practicing for the fall season. Last year they had done ‘Pinocchio’ and ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ to rave reviews. They were going to kick off the fall season with ‘The Legend of Sleepy Hollow’ and she was looking forward to it. She liked the interaction with both the seniors in the group and the kids where they performed. She also volunteered downtown at the Hennepin County Medical Center in the Obstetrics Unit where she assisted mothers with their new born babies. In addition to those volunteer activities she had friends she had made at Lakeside and she was in touch with friends she had made throughout her life. Right now her days were rich and full and she was happy. So why had she taken it upon herself to try and befriend this middle aged man on the bus that she had been casually observing for the last few weeks? She had no idea, it just seemed like the right thing to do.
During the ride downtown that first day they’d met Doug was pretty uncomfortable. Evelyn, Evie, seemed harmless enough. Maybe he shouldn’t make a big deal out of it. The thing was, he just didn’t want to get into some kind of situation where she would want to ride with him every day. He liked his privacy. He liked being by himself with his newspaper. He liked being alone with his thoughts. He didn’t want the boat that was his life to be rocked.
As if reading his mind, Evie said, “Don’t worry, young man, I’m not going to interfere with your time alone on what I’m assuming is your way into work. I just wanted to be friendly and say ‘Hi’.”
Her assertive attitude was something Doug was not used to and he told her so.

“You just seem a little too aggressive. A little too forward.” He looked at her out of the corner of his eye. He was unused to talking so directly to people, let alone little old ladies he’d just met on the bus. That in and of itself was a novel experience, one more on this increasing exceptional day of novel experiences. He checked his watch. It was only 7:00 am.
He need not have worried that his words may have affected her negatively. She didn’t seem to mind. In fact, she kind of liked it. “Yeah,” she said, with what he could have sworn was a wink, “I get that a lot.”
He was relieved when the bus reached downtown and in a few short blocks Evie rose from her seat pulling the stop cord. “Well, I’m off. Today’s my day at the hospital.”
“Is something the matter?” Doug asked. Even though they had just met, Doug found himself slightly concerned.
“Me? I’m fit as a fiddle. I do volunteer work when I can,” she said. “Helps keep me young.” She laughed as she made her way down the aisle. In a few moments was off the bus and walking jauntily down the sidewalk.
Doug watched her with a strong sense of relief. He was looking forward to getting back into his routine and couldn’t wait to get to work. He liked order in his life. He liked things simple and uncomplicated. Yet, on the other hand, though his encounter with Evie had been strangely unsettling, it also had been…not fun exactly, but kind of interesting. She had amazing energy for an old person, and such a positive attitude. Doug couldn’t remember when he’d met anyone like her. Yes, he thought to himself, it had been interesting and but also unnerving. He shuttered a little, the stress of the morning’s encounter coursing through his body. He wondered what it would be like when he saw her again, which he was sure he would given that it was now apparent that they rode the same bus. Oh, the complications, Doug was thinking as he rose in his seat to disembark. What’s to become of me?

Now the story of Doug and Evie could have ended right at this point but it didn’t. Doug could have easily started taking a different bus into work, thus solving the problem of running into Evie and making it possible that he’d never see her again. But he didn’t do that. There was something about her…something that Doug couldn’t put his finger on. He couldn’t get the encounter out of her out of his mind. All through work the rest of the day he kept thinking about her. What a remarkable woman, he thought to himself. At odd times her image would pop into his brain, this little old, slightly hunched over lady with the energy of someone much, much younger. He was at a loss to explain why he was reacting to her the way he was.
The answer came to him later that night after he’d taken the bus home. He had walked through the warm, peaceful summer evening, climbed the stairs to his apartment and was preparing to go to bed. He had looked at himself in the bathroom mirror and realized that her impact on him was due to the fact that she was the first new person he had met and talked to in he didn’t know how many years. Emphasis on new. Looking back at him in the mirror was a plain looking, nearly bald, slightly overweight middle aged man who, Doug now had to admit to himself, had nothing really all that interesting going on in his life. He broke his bedtime routine and went into the kitchen, boiled some water and made himself a cup of chamomile tea. He sat at his tiny kitchen table sipping contemplatively, staring at a street light illuminating the darkness outside his window. The encounter had affected him in a way he could not get over. Evie was not like the people he met daily at work or at the church. No, those folks were just acquaintances, people he dealt with and then never really gave another thought to. Evie on the other hand had been a force of nature and try as he might he could not forget her. There was something about her that he found intriguing. He finished his tea, rinsed the cup and headed off to bed, surprised to find that he was looking forward to seeing her the next day.
But Evie was a busy woman and had a lot going on in her life. It was nearly two weeks before he saw her board the bus again. She looked down the rows of seats and Doug was able to make eye contact with her. He moved over to make room for her on the seat.

“How have you been?” he asked as she sat down. “I was wondering if I’d see you again.”
Evie smiled with a pleasant little laugh and said,

“Just couldn’t live without me, eh?” And again, poked toward him with her elbow.
Doug smiled back, slightly embarrassed. For an old lady Evie had a definite ‘electrical’ presence about her, making the air around her buzz with energy. “Well,” he paused, not used to having these kinds of conversations,

“I was wondering how’d you’d been. What you’d been up to.”
“How nice of you, young man,” Evie smiled as she settled in, saying “Hi” to a young lady who was moving past. “That’s Jeannie Atchison,” she said as an aside to him, “She works at Lakeside.”
“By the way, you can call be Doug. My name’s Doug Larson.”
“Well, finally,” Evie said, with her ever present smile, joking with him. “I was wondering if you were ever going to introduce yourself.”
“Do you want the sports section?” Doug asked. He was a little stiff and kind of formal acting. He’d been thinking about this next encounter since he’d decided he wanted to get to know her better, maybe develop a friendship with her. He’d even rehearsed what he was going to say.
Evie laughed, making him feel more comfortable. “Sure. Thanks.” she said, taking it and looking over the front page. “Hey, the Twins won again. That’s nice.”
“Yeah, our new coach seems to be doing things right,” Doug added and that was enough to get the conversation going.
The rest of the way into downtown they talked about the Minnesota Twins and baseball and other events happening in the world of sports. The longer they talked, the more comfortable and relaxed Doug became. In no time at all they were at Evie’s stop.
Doug asked her if she was volunteering at the hospital today. “I am,” Evie said. “I just can’t seem to get enough of those new mothers and their babies.”
“What bus do you take home?”
“I usually leave around 5:00 pm.” Evie paused, a quizzical look on her face. “Why?”
Doug wanted to prolong their time together, but didn’t want to scare her off. He just liked being with her. He couldn’t believe how lonely he was. How starved for friendship he was. And that was the thing he hoped for more than anything, that they could become friends. “Just wondering,” was all he was brave enough to say.
“Well, I’m off then.” Evie rose to leave. “I might see you tomorrow.”
“Ok, see you.” Doug watched her walk down the aisle and out onto the sidewalk. Getting to know her was making him happy and happiness was a feeling he was unused to.

If Doug was intrigued by Evie and happy to have begun a friendship with her, Evie was just as happy to have begun a friendship with him.
“Mom, you can’t be serious,” her daughter, Amy, said when she told her about the strange unassuming man she’d met on the bus. “How can you be certain he’s not some kind of nut. A serial killer maybe.”
Evie laughed. “Really, dear, I don’t know where you get your ideas. He’s just a nice, quiet man, with not a whole lot going on in his life.”
“So that’s a good reason to talk to him?” Amy had an edge to her and sometimes a derisive way of addressing her mother.
Evie sighed, happy in one sense that her daughter was willing to look out for her, but slightly put out that Amy didn’t accept that her mother could make her own decisions. “Trust me, he’s harmless.” In a tone that let Amy know her mother was serious enough to not change her mind. She changed tact,     “So are you going to date him?”
Evie exploded in laughter. “Not on your life, young lady, I’m way beyond anything like that in my life.” Then she turned serious, wanted to allay her daughter’s fears. “Really, we a just friends.”
“Are you sure he doesn’t think like that?”
“Yes I am.” Evie said. “Positively, without a doubt.”
“How do you know?”
And Evie proceeded to tell Amy about the conversation she and Doug had about few weeks into their friendship about just that very same thing. And how Doug had been so embarrassed that he’d quite riding her bus for a few days until he finally got over it, meeting her at their regular seat and apologizing. “I’m an idiot,” he said, all flustered. “I definitely don’t want you to think like that. I just want us to be friends.”
Evie was quick to relieve him of his fears. “Let’s just put it behind us, OK?” And that was that.
“So what’s the attraction, then, mom?” Amy asked, happy to have that discussion out of the way.
Evie had thought about this very question for a while. “I like that we can talk.”
“Really? That’s it?” Amy was skeptical.
“Yes, dear, really.” Evie said, thinking about Doug and his newspaper and the books he told her he was reading. “He’s very well read. Besides, remember what I told you what your grandma always said.”
“Right, I know,” Amy sighed, rolling her eyes. “Still waters run deep.”
“Well, it’s true you know. You never know what’s beneath the surface of some people.” She paused before adding. “Doug’s like that.”

And it was the truth. She enjoyed the discussions they had riding into downtown. They could talk about anything, which, for Evie, was a novelty. Her late husband had clammed up sometime during the third year of their marriage and hadn’t said anything truly interesting to her for the rest of his life which was much to her chagrin because Evie loved to talk to people. She and Doug found they could talk about not only sports, but current events of the day like politics (they were both Democrats), the environment (they were both avid recyclers and tried to be as green as they could be), religion (despite Doug’s volunteering at the church, they both still had questions), families (Doug enjoyed hearing about Evie’s children and grandchildren since he didn’t have any), books (Evie enjoyed reading as much as Doug did) and even music. Doug surprised her one day when he asked if she had ever been to the Wednesday night summertime concerts held at the Depot park down by the lake near where they both lived.
“We go all the time. A bus from Lakeside takes us seniors down there, drops us off and then picks us up when it’s over. Why?”
“The park is just two blocks from my apartment. I might walk down there this Wednesday. A group called ‘The Stetsons’ is playing. They play old time country swing music. I kind of like them.”
“Tell you what,” Evie said getting enthusiastic, “I’ll meet you down there. How’s that sound?”
So Doug met her and they had a great time listening to the old songs, watching people and enjoying the free ice cream bars a local business gave away. At one point Doug sighed and stretched back in the canvas lawn chair he’d taken to the park. A light southern breeze was wafting off the lake. Gulls called as they circled overhead looking for hand outs. Little kids laughed and danced in the sweet summer grass. To the west the sun was sinking below the tree line of the horizon, turning the sky crimson. “Isn’t this great? I haven’t been this relaxed for I don’t know how long.”
Evie smiled and nodded. She felt the same.

While the quality of Doug’s life improved, for Evie it was the development of their friendship that she really appreciated. Her marriage had been a farce, she was able to admit to herself. She had done the best she could and was happy she had stayed married and raised her children, but her relationship with Fred was not fulfilling in the least. She had lots of woman friends but Doug gave her a chance to have a friendship with a man, something she’d never had before. She enjoyed Doug’s company because even though he was shy and quiet, the more comfortable he became with her the more interesting he became.
“What’s that you’ve got on your hands?” Evie asked one Monday morning in late August.
Doug checked and then became embarrassed. “Opps. Guess I didn’t get all the grease off.” Evie gave him a questioning look. “I decided to get my old bicycle out and take it for a ride. I had to clean it up a little first.” And he proceeded to tell her about his vintage black Raliegh three-speed he’d purchased some years back but had given up riding. “I just got in the mood to get it out again and clean it up. I went for a ride yesterday on that trail that goes through town. It was fun.”
It was one of the things she liked about him. Doug did things. Her late husband would mull over starting a project or making a decision to do something until the cows came home. And then never did anything anyway. An avid birdwatcher, Evie tried to include him once on going for a walk to check out birds in their neighborhood. He’d looked at her like she had lost her mind. So imagine her surprise later that summer when she mentioned that she’d seen a pair of scarlet tanagers in the woods behind Lakeside and Doug had almost jumped out of his seat he was so excited.
“Scarlett tanagers,” he exclaimed. “I haven’t seen one in over thirty years, let alone a pair of them.”
“Well, come up to my place and you might see them both.”
“I will.” Doug then told her about his lifelong love of birds and bird watching. The next weekend he rode his bike over to Lakeside to meet her. They sat outside on the patio watching for the birds and were eventually rewarded with a brief sighting. Doug was excited. “Now that’s what I call a find. It’s truly a gift to have seen those birds.”
Birds of a feather, thought Evie adding another ‘like’ to the mental list of ‘likes’ about Doug that she was unconsciously keeping in her mind.
Every now and then Doug would ask Evie a question that made her think. Just before Thanksgiving he asked her if she had any regrets in her life. “Anything you wish you would have done that you didn’t do?”
Evie didn’t even have to think about it. “Yes,” she spat out. “I wish I would have finished my degree in English Literature.” Each of them had a deep love of books and for some time now they had been talking about books they were reading and even loaning favorites to each other.
“Have you ever checked out classes online?”
“You mean like through local colleges? I’m not sure that’s for me.”
“There’s other options. I’ve found a couple of sites that are connected to various Universities throughout the world. You can take all kinds of classes. They’re free. If you just want to learn about something, it’s a great way to go. They last on the average about eight weeks. I’m taking one now about the atom and subatomic particles. Just for fun.”
“Do they have classes on literature?”
Doug reached into his pocket and took out his pen and opened his briefcase for a piece of paper.              “Here, let me write the sites down. You can look them over and see what they have to offer.”
That night online she found a class on twentieth century English literature through a well known University in England that started the first week of January. She registered and couldn’t wait for it to begin. Again, it was another thing that Doug did for her that helped make her life more fulfilling.

One day in February Evie was complaining about not being able to get to the local natural foods Coop. “My daughter usually drives me, but I don’t want her wasting her time anymore. She’s got her family to think about. I guess I’ll just have to start taking a cab. That’ll be OK.”
Doug said, “How about if I drive you?”
Evie was floored. “What do you mean, drive me?”
Doug turned red, embarrassed. “Well, I have a car.”
She was shocked. “Why didn’t you ever tell me before?”
“Well, it never came up. I just don’t like to drive much.”
Evie shook her head. “You continually surprise me, Doug Larson. And, yes, I will take a ride to the Coop, thank you very much.”
Doug’s car was a pristine sage green Prius. On the next Saturday he drove up to the entrance of Lakeside, opened the door for Evie, got her settled and headed out to Fresh Market Coop. He filled Evie in about his car and driving situation. “I bought the Prius seven years ago to make sure I had a back up mode of transportation. You know, just in case I wanted to drive somewhere.”
“You could have rented,” Evie pointed out.
“I know, but that’s not the way I look at things. I got my first car when I was sixteen. Owning a car back then was a big deal for me. After my divorce, I moved out here, and even though I had my job downtown I just didn’t feel like driving in. So I sold the car I had at that time and started taking the bus. I bought the Prius kind of on a whim. I drive it only occasionally.” He laughed, “I just have to make sure the battery doesn’t run down. Costs a couple of hundred dollars to get it started.”
“Do you ever take any trips?”
“Not yet. But, you know, to be honest I have been thinking about going down to Nebraska this spring. You know, for the sandhill crane migration.”
Evie knew all about the spring migration in March of the sandhill cranes. They congregated along a fifty mile stretch of the Platte River between Grand Island and Kearny Nebraska. “Are you going this spring?”
“Maybe.” Doug sighed and glanced out the window. “It’s a long way to drive.”
“Jeez, Doug. What are you waiting for? If I were young like you I’d make that drive in a heartbeat.”
“Yeah, I know. I’ll think about it.” At that point it was the perfect opportunity to ask Evie if she wanted to go with him but he didn’t bring it up. He liked Evie but he still valued his privacy. And Evie seemed happy to live the possibility of the trip vicariously through him. That was fine with him.
As usual she seemed to read his thoughts. “You probably think I would like to go with you but don’t worry. I’m not in the mood for any long trips any more in my life. This old joints of mine would probably stiffen right up. If you go send me a post card with pictures of cranes on it. That would be fine.”
Doug smiled. Evie continued to amaze and surprise him. He had to admit that she was fast becoming the best friend he’d ever had. “I’ll keep you posted,” he said. “You’ll be the first to know if I decide to go.”
“Deal,” Evie said, and settled back, looking at the winter scenery passing by. Ice fishing houses were out on the lake. There was a couple of feet of snow on the ground. The sky was a deep, robin’s egg blue. A light wind blew from the north. The temperature was five degrees below zero. It was the coldest day of the winter. “I’m ready for spring,” she said with a sigh, and, for fun, started wondering what spring was like down in Nebraska on the Platte River.

Doug didn’t make it to Nebraska that year. He had a heart attack instead. It happened about a month after he’d taken Evie to the Coop. Since he had been unable to ride his bicycle during the winter months, he’d taken to getting up early every morning and going for a quick mile and a half walk on the neighborhood streets around his apartment. The walk was strenuous due to the hills that made up the landscape of the town he lived in. He had gotten himself into pretty good shape, but perhaps it was the cold weather, the stress of an extra fast walk, or, in retrospect, the fact that his father had died of a heart attack at the early age of fifty two, but Doug had collapsed just as he entered the front door of his apartment building. He had fallen loudly against a neighbor’s door waking up the couple who lived there and one of them had called 911. Within five minutes an ambulance was on the scene and in less than an hour Doug was in the emergency room of the hospital closest to where he lived. This happened on a Wednesday. It wasn’t until Friday that he had been able to call Evie, who was beside herself with worry.
“I didn’t see you on the bus Wednesday or Thursday. I called your apartment Thursday night but only got that idiotic answering machine of yours.” She was so upset and worried she was almost shouting. Then she paused for a moment and took a breath figuring that Doug was in recovery and didn’t need her yelling at him. “Are you going to be OK?” She asked, calming down, her voice full of concern.
“I’ll be fine.” Doug assured her. “Even though I knew I was genetically pre-disposed to a possible heart attack, I guess I just didn’t think it would happen to me.”
“You shouldn’t have been so stupid,” she blurted out, almost yelling again. She was mad at the situation. Mad at Doug for letting it happen, and mad at herself that she couldn’t have done anything to have stopped it. She took a few deep breaths. She knew that Doug didn’t need her giving him a hard time. She was just worried. “What’s your doctor say about your recovery?”
“I’ll be alright. Just no bike riding for a while.”
“Funny,” Evie said, sarcastically. She wasn’t in a joking mood. She was very concerned about her friend. She had watched him grow as a person over the last year. He’d come out of his shell was the way she looked at it. To her way of thinking Doug still had a lot of years left. Who knew what the future would hold for him? Still waters run deep, like her mom had said and like she’d told Amy so many months ago. She was looking forward to being a part of his life. She softened her tone of voice. “I’m glad you called me.”
“You were the first person I thought of,” Doug said. He really meant it. In fact she was the only person he thought of calling. He didn’t really have any close friends other than Evie. Some people would think it odd, this friendship of theirs, but Doug didn’t care what others thought. It worked for them. They made each other’s lives better. That’s all that mattered.
They spent the next twenty minutes or so talking. Doug got Evie to believe what the doctors had told him, that there was no reason he shouldn’t make a full recovery. Finally Evie permitted herself to relax. She was amazed at how Doug’s heart attack had affected her. If she were honest with herself it should have been her whose health should have failed first. After all, she was nearly twenty years older than him. She didn’t expect that of the two of them Doug would be the first one to have a major health issue. But he did. She involuntarily shuttered. You just never knew when your time was up. Especially the older you became. She focused her attention back to Doug and their conversation, thankful right now just to be talking to him.
Too soon, it seemed, it was time to get off the phone. She could sense he was getting tired. “I should probably let you get some rest,” she said, wanting to stay on the line a little longer. Just to convince herself that he really was going to be OK and get better.
“I’ll be in here for a while. They need to keep running tests and then get me into physical therapy. Just think of me as ‘the convalescing patient’,” he said, laughing a little, making a silly joke.
Now, after the initial shock had begun to wear off and finally being able to talk to him, to Evie’s relief Doug was actually sounding pretty good. “Are you up for any visitors?”
“Let me check my calendar,” Doug said, and Evie could see him smiling over the phone. “I think I’ve got room for you in my busy schedule.”
“Tomorrow’s Saturday. I’ll check visiting hours and see you as soon as I can, hopefully in the morning. I’ll take a cab,” Evie added, always resourceful, always thinking ahead.
“That’d be great. It’d be nice to see you.” Doug was quiet for a moment. He was remembering when he’d been laying on the floor of the apartment building waiting for the ambulance to arrive. At that time he’d had no idea if he was going to make it. If he was going to survive. One thought that kept him going was that he wasn’t ready to die just then. He had more life in him. More living to do. The other thought had been of Evie and how she had jump-started his life. How she had enriched his days, and how much she met to him. She was the best friend he’d ever had. But now, lying in his hospital bed, with her on the phone, all he could think of to say was, “Thanks, Evie,” he said, hesitantly.
“What for?” Evie asked, even though she had an idea she knew what he meant.
“Never mind.” Doug said, although what he really wanted to say was, Thanks for being my friend. Thanks for being in my life. Thanks for helping me become a better person. And, most of all, thanks for being you. But he didn’t.
But Evie said, as if she could read his mind, “I think I know what you mean.” She was quiet for a moment and then added, “Hey, maybe when I come over tomorrow we can start to plan that trip of yours to Nebraska. You know, for next year,” she added.
On the other end of the line Doug laughed, and then was quiet, as if coming to some inner conclusion. “A trip to Nebraska sounds great.” He paused and then said, “Maybe you could come with me. You might enjoy it.”
Evie took about one second to make her decision. “Yes,” she said. “I think I would.”
“Come with me or enjoy it?” Doug asked.
“Both,” Evie said, and she meant it with all her heart.

Boundary Waters

I was wondering what it would be like to take a canoe trip up in the Boundary Waters. I’d last been up there in the early 60’s on a canoe trip out of West Bearskin Lake with my brother and some friends through the YMCA. This story is the end result.

“Holy crap,” Lonny Johnson exclaimed and banked his Cessna 185 float plane hard to the right. He’d caught a glimpse of something shinny on the shore of the lake. Maybe it was a reflection off the hull of the canoe he was looking for. He leveled off and flew back, keeping his eyes focused on the north shore of Little Swan Lake.
The guy he was looking for was named Charles McRoberts. He’d been missing for two days, but Lonny had only received the call that morning. He was working with the Search and Rescue crew out of Ely, Minnesota. Ely was in the Boundary Waters Wilderness Area of northern Minnesota and considered to be the gateway to the intricate string of lakes and forests hugging the border between Minnesota and Canada. Search and Rescue spent all day yesterday in canoes looking for McRoberts but had come up empty. They’d called Lonny that morning asking for his assistance and he was more than willing to help. He’d worked with them before and he liked the team, four men and two women, highly trained professionals who were all skilled in handling the adverse conditions that often arose in the Boundary Waters.
Little Swan Neck Lake was about a half mile long and maybe a quarter mile wide. It was surrounded by pine trees and not much of the shoreline was visible. From past experience Lonny knew that ‘Little Swan’, as the locals called it, was not a good lake for camping due to its lack of room for a camp site. The trees were just too close to the shore which was really nothing more than about six feet of pebbly beach surrounding the lake. Lonny throttled the engine down as low as he could go and settled the Cessna in about a hundred feet off the surface, eyes intent on watching the shoreline. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Then he saw it. The canoe was resting half in and half out of the water in an indentation in the trees. The guy was laying next to it, not moving. Lonnie pulled the plane up above the tree line and circled back for another look. Yep, it was the guy he was looking for. He radioed Ted Peterson, the head of the rescue team with the news.
“Ted,” Lonny said when they’d made contact. “I’ve got him.”
“Where exactly is he?” Ted sounded out of breath. This was the second day the guy had been missing. They’d probably been paddling hard all morning. Lonny knew he’d be in a hurry to get to the site.
“He’s on the north shore of Little Swan. Near the west end.”
“Jesus. How’d he get way over there?” Ted wondered out loud. Lonny heard paper rattling. Ted was checking his maps. “He’s not even close to where he’d supposed to be.”
“Ya’ got me.” Lonny was circling back again. “He’s not moving.”
“We’re two lakes away, over on Granite. Got a portage of seventy five rods into Beauty, then one hundred and thirty five rods into the west end of Little Swan. We should be there in a few hours. Can you get down there to him?”
“It’ll be tight, but I think I can do it.” Landing was no problem. Taking off would be a challenge. The Cessna should be able to do it, though. “I’ll get down there. You hurry it up. I’ll contact you again when I get on the water.”
They signed off and Lonny made ready for his landing.
Charles “Mac” McRoberts lay on the rocky shoreline dying. At least he thought he was. He’d given up all hope of being rescued until he heard the single engine of the plane. He wanted to look up but he couldn’t move. Then the plane passed over and the sound of its engine drifted away and Mac thought he’d imagined the whole thing. Then, unbelievably, the plane circled back. He permitted himself to hope. He’d be saved. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that.
Charles McRoberts was a fifty nine year old business executive for a successful computer repair company located in St. Paul, Minnesota. He was an avid outdoorsman, comfortable with himself and his abilities in the wild. He’d canoed the Boundary Waters nearly every summer since he was first exposed to the area with his church group through the YMCA when he was fifteen. He loved the peace and quiet of the region, but he also loved to exert and prove himself. He had started taking solo trips ten years ago, stretching the limits of his physical abilities. The guys he hung out with all admired him. His ex-wife thought he was nuts and his current lady friend was ambivalent. Mac didn’t really care. “Life is for the living” was his motto and he planned to live life to the fullest or die trying. Which, on this trip, he almost did.
He’d been out for three of the ten days he’d planned when he had hit Little Swan Neck Lake. The day was sunny and warm with a strong wind blowing from the south. He’d been drifting, regaining his breath after a challenging 50 rod portage into the lake. His sixteen foot Wenonah Kevlar composite canoe bobbed confidently in the water. Mac watched a mature bald eagle soaring above the tall pines that surrounded the lake. The next portage was at the west end. At one hundred and thirty five rods it would take him a while to get to the next lake. He reached over the side and cupped his hand, wanting to splash some refreshing water on his face. And, just like that, an unexpected wave broke and caught the bottom of the canoe at the wrong angle and it tipped, tossing him over board. He braced himself for when he hit the water, but he wasn’t prepared for how cold it felt. In early June the ice hadn’t been out for more than six weeks and the water temperature was only around fifty degrees. The shock caused him to lose his breath. The weight of the clothes he was wearing pulled him under. In those first few seconds he thought he would drown. But adrenalin kicked in and he forced himself to the surface and grabbed for his canoe, which was floating upside down within arm’s reach. He was able to pull himself half out of the water onto the canoe but his strength was gone. He lay there bobbing in the water trying to catch his breath but he was having a hard time. There was a pain in his chest and his right arm was numb. He was wondering if he’d suffered a mild heart attack when he passed out. When he regained consciousness his canoe was bumping against the rocky shoreline of the lake. He gathered himself, willing his body to move as he crawled and pulled himself as far out of the water as he could. The last thought he had was how good the warmth of the sun heated rocks felt underneath him. Then he passed out again. For the next two days he drifted in and out of consciousness, not knowing that a search party had been organized and people had been looking for him since the morning after the day of his accident.
Lonny set his plane down with the precision of the confident pilot that he was. The twin pontoons skimmed the water and then he settled into a light chop and taxied toward where the canoe and the victim lay. He radioed Ted with his update.
“I’m on the water and making my way to the shoreline,” he said into his mouth piece. “I still don’t see any movement.”
“You be careful.” Ted replied. “You have your raft?”
“I do.” Lonny taxied as close to shore as he dared. “I’m going to use it to check on this guy.”
“Be careful, man,” Ted said. “We’ll be there as soon as we can.”
Lonny signed off, anchored his plane and got his raft out of the storage compartment. In a few minutes he was in the water, paddling the fifty feet or so between his plane and the shore. The guy still hadn’t moved and Lonny wondered if he was soon going to be making contact with a dead person. Lonny had been working with Search and Rescue for the past three years. Prior to that his life had not been too easy. When he’d been in his early twenty’s he had enlisted in the army and become an airplane mechanic stationed in Afghanistan. When his time served was over he came back to the states, where he’d had a hard time adjusting to the life he’d left behind before he’d enlisted. He had changed. He was glad to be done with the war and had turned his back on anything having to do with killing. For those first few years after he’d returned he had kind of turned his back on society too and had gone through a tough period with alcohol and drugs. He knew he had some issues to deal with, but right now he was just taking life a day at a time. He’d stopped drinking and smoking pot, bought his Cessna got his pilot’s license and was just trying to live a decent life. So far he was happy with how things had turned out. He’d started a little business taking customers to remote fishing areas in the Boundary Waters and Canada. Ted was a friend and also a vet, but he was a veteran of the Vietnam war. When he called Lonny with the opportunity to work with Search and Rescue, he jumped at the chance. It gave him an opportunity to be useful and perhaps help people. Over the last three years Search and Rescue had made a dozen rescues, all successful. Everyone had lived. As he approached the guy on the beach he wondered if maybe this would be the first dead guy he’d have to deal with.
Mac was dimly conscious of the events taking place around him. He’d heard the plane flying by overhead and he thought that it had landed on the lake. He just wasn’t sure if what he was aware of was for real or simply tricks being played on him by his imagination. He was in bad shape. He knew that for sure. He couldn’t move the right side of his body. He had lost track of time and he had no idea if he was going to live or die. Since the accident he had been unconscious most of the time, but when he came to he was somewhat lucid. When he was conscious he spent most of the time replaying the events that had brought him to this shoreline in the middle of the Boundary Waters.
He’d been planning this trip for a good six months. This was to be an opportunity for him to get out and prove himself. That’s the kind of person Mac was. Life to him was a competition. He was a driven, type A type personality type of guy. Driving to work to the company he owned was a chance to race other drivers in his high end Lexus RC-F. Going to the gym was a time to challenge himself to do workouts better and faster than the people around him. He rarely relaxed. He was divorced and had no children. He liked to force himself to be the best he could be. He never permitted himself to be sick and he looked down on others who got ill as weaker than he was. He worked hard to make his business a success and he enjoyed the money that came along with it. Being rich allowed him a degree of freedom to challenge himself even further. This canoe trip was a chance to prove to himself that he could survive a long solo trip through the Boundary Waters, something that not many people could say they could do.
He’d set it up that he would call his lady friend, Mary, every evening on his cell phone. Which he did. What he didn’t tell her was that instead of going for a ten day trip, most of which was going to be camping and fishing on one lake, he’d planned all along to really push himself to see how far he could travel in those ten days. So Mary had no idea where he was. When he didn’t call that night of the day he’d capsized, she immediately called the authorities. She’d driven up to Ely early the next morning and had been talking to Ted.
“He went in at Clearwater Lake,” she told him. “At least that’s what he told me.” She had a sneaking suspicion that Mac might pull something stupid. “But you never know with him. He tends to do pretty much anything he wants to do.”
So he could be anywhere, Ted thought. What a jerk to put people through this. But to Mary he tried to be consoling. “Don’t worry. We’ve got a lot of experience with this kind of thing. We’ll find him.”
When Lonny’s call came in, the first thing Ted did was radio Mary. “We’ve found him. Our pilot is with him now, and we should get to him in a few hours.”
“Is he alright?” Mary’s voice was full of concern.
“He seems to be. Our pilot is approaching him now in his raft. We’ll keep you posted.”
For some reason, Ted was finding himself not liking this guy they were rescuing. He didn’t have a lot of patience for people who felt the world revolved around just them. He tried to calm down and center himself on doing his job. Lonny came in on the radio.
“I’m with him right now.”
“How’s he looking.”
“Not good. I can’t see any broken bones. He’s unconscious. It looks like he capsized and drifted to shore with his canoe. He’s out of the water, but he’s pale and probably dehydrated. I don’t think he’s moved since he came up on shore. I can feel a pulse, so that’s good.”
That was good news, Ted thought to himself. He was back in his ‘Rescue’ mode. “Keep him warm with a blanket and see if you can give him some water.” He checked his watch. “We should be there in under two hours.”
“Sounds good. I’ll keep you posted.” Lonny signed off.
In his raft was some bottled water. Lonny grabbed a bottle, twisted the top off and was turning to give some to the victim when the guy made a quick movement, startling Lonny. Yep, he’s alive, Lonny thought to himself, thinking that the guy now might have a chance to live through his ordeal. Lonny bent to give him some water and the guy opened his eyes, making contact with Lonny.
“Who the hell are you?” The guy asked.
“Lonny Johnson,” he answered. He wanted to be friendly and see if he could get the guy talking. It would help him to judge his state of mind. “Pleased to meet you. I’m a pilot with the Search and Rescue team. What’s your name?”
“Charles McRoberts,” he said and then groaned. “Man, get me out of here. I don’t feel too good.”
“We’ve got our rescue team on the way. They should be here in less than two hours.”
Mac groaned again. “Can’t they get here any sooner?”
“They’re coming by canoe. They’ll be here shortly.”
He sighed and closed his eyes. Lonny wondered if he had passed out. After a few minutes his eyes flickered open. “I can’t feel my right arm or leg.”
“Here, let me give you some water,” Lonny moved to lift his head, thinking, I’ll bet this guy had a stroke.
He drank a little, most of it running down his chin. “Damnit. What the hell is wrong with me?”
Lonny gently lay his head back on a jacket he’d folded up to serve as a pillow and covered him with the blanket. “The rescue team had a medic with them who’ll check you out. Just rest. You’re going to be OK.”
The guy lay his head back and closed his eyes. “Thanks.” And was quiet for a few minutes. Then added. “You can call me Mac. It’s short for McRoberts.”
Lonny laughed. “Yeah, I kind of got that.”
Mac groaned again and then gave him a look half way between a grimace and a smile. “Smart guy you are,” he said, and then passed out again.
Lonny stood up and looked around. The wind was still light out of the south. The chop on the water was manageable. But the problem was that out to the west some clouds were building up and that might not be so good. In the north country, in June, storms could blow up quickly. Just a few years ago straight line winds had damaged an area of the Boundary Waters just fifteen miles east of where he was right now. Fallen trees out there formed piles, some of which were thirty feet high, that now were dried out and lay like dried straw waiting to burn. All it would take would be a spark from a lightning storm and the whole forest would ignite. Lonny watched the clouds saying a quick prayer that Ted and his team would get to him sooner rather than later.
His thoughts were interrupted by Mac. “Hey buddy. Can I have some more water?”
Lonny raised Mac’s head to drink and then helped him lie back down. “How’re you feeling?”
“Not good.” Mac sighed. “My damn right arm and leg. I can’t feel them.”
Lonny didn’t want to be the bearer of bad news. Let’s just get him out of here, he thought to himself. “The medic should be here in about an hour. She’s good. She’ll be able to help you.”
Sara Larson was the medic, and, like Lonny, had been in the war in Afghanistan. But she had adjusted to life back in the states lots better than he had. She was grounded and settled. She was also a good friend. “She knows her stuff,” Lonny assured Mac. “She’ll take good care of you.”
Mac rested for a few minutes and then came to. “I’m not sure about this,” he said.
Lonny had no clue what he was talking about. “What?”
Mac made a movement with his left hand. “All of this.”
“I’m not following,” Lonny said. He looked at Mac, who seemed distant, like he was drifting away.
“If I’ve got a stroke, if I can’t move…man, I’m not sure I’m ready for that.”
Lonny watched his patient, as he was now thinking of Mac as. He kind of got what Mac was saying. Here was a strong, healthy, in shape guy in the prime of his life, and now it may be that he would spend the rest of his life crippled and unable to do the things he was used to doing. Anything he could think to say sounded trite and dumb. So he just kept quiet and patted Mac on the shoulder. In a few moments Mac closed his eyes and drifted off.
Lonny had seen this kind of behavior before in the war with soldiers who had been shot and wounded, or who had been hurt in roadside explosions. Soldiers injured so badly that their lives had been changed forever. And even though Mac’s situation was not even closely related to those he’d seen in the war, the end result was the same. No matter what Mac’s life was going to change. He was going to have to learn to deal with it, just like Lonny had, and Sara had and Ted had. No matter what your expectations are, life doesn’t always work out the way you planned. You had to accept life’s challenges and hopefully grow from them and move on. Lonny knew that for a fact.
He sat back on his heels and watched the clouds building up in the west. They didn’t look too bad. Maybe we’ll get out of here OK, he thought to himself. The more pressing issue had to do with Mac and getting him safely off the lake. The plan would be for Sara to check him out and make him comfortable. Then Lonny would transport Mac to the harbor in Duluth which was about an hour’s flight south. From there he’d be transported via ambulance to the hospital. The staff there could deal with Mac’s physical well being, but his mental well being was something else again. Lonny thought about what he, personally, had gone through after returning from Afghanistan. It had been challenging to say the least, but he had preserved and was trying to make something positive out of his life. He guessed that Mac was probably one of those successful guys who had made a name for himself and in so doing was used to having people do whatever he wanted them to do. Mac’s life will change in a big way, Lonny thought to himself, especially if he comes out of this crippled due to a stroke. The more he thought about it, the more he was starting to feel for the guy.
Just then, Mac regained consciousness. “So what’s your story, pal?” he asked, his words slurring a little. “How’d you end up here flying an airplane?”
“Float plane,” Lonny said, trying to lighten the mood. “It’s a Cessna 185.” And Lonny told him about Afghanistan, and how hard it had been coming back, and the drugs and alcohol, and getting straight and sober, and finally how he ended up flying for a living and working with Ted and Search and Rescue.
Mac was silent for a few moments, taking it all in. “How old are you anyway?” he asked.
“Thirty eight.”
“Married? Kids? Family?”
“No, no and no.” Lonny answered. Then he smiled. “Still looking.”
Mac groaned, whether in pain or from past memories, Lonny wasn’t sure. “I’ll tell you something, young man, you’ve got your whole life in front of you. Don’t waste it.”
“I hear you.” He was thinking about Sara.
“I’m richer than rich,” Mac continued. “I’ve got it all.” He then indicated the numb side of his body. “But if this is what I think it is, I’ve got nothing.”
“I disagree,” Lonny said, despite the glare he got from Mac, a guy obviously not used to being disagreed with. “You got your whole life too,” he said, “It’ll just be different.”
Mac was silent, giving Lonny a stare. “I’m not used to being talked to like that.”
“Well, take it or leave it, it’s the truth.”
Lonny sat back and looked out over the lake to the west toward where Ted and his team would be coming in off the portage. He wondered if he’d over stepped some invisible boundary. He didn’t mean to be a jerk. He just felt strongly that Mac should realize that things could be a lot worse. He could still move parts of his body. He could still use his mind. He’d seen people in lots worse situations.
“I suppose you’re thinking it could have been a lot worse,” Mac said, breaking into Lonny’s thought.
“As a matter of fact, I was thinking that very same thing.”
“You know before you got here, I had a lot of time to think,” Mac said. “Maybe too much.”
“What’d you think about?” Lonny felt it was good to keep Mac talking.
“About life, mainly,” Mac said with a weak laugh.
Lonny looked at him. “What’d you come up with?”
“Not much.” Mac was silent for a few moments, reflecting. “Maybe this. This situation here,” he waved his good arm over his body, “It sucks.” Then he held up his hand to stop Lonny from saying anything. “But, yeah, maybe you’re right. Maybe it could be worse.”
Lonny smiled at him. This guy was not a quitter. “I could tell you some stories.”
“I’ll bet you could,” Mac said. “I’ll bet you could.” And he seemed to relax and fall in on himself, as if he had come to some inner conclusion. Like maybe his situation could, in fact, really be a lot worse. And he passed out again.
Lonny looked at Mac, wondering how the rest of his life would play out. Would he recover from the stroke or remain partially paralyzed the rest of his life? He’d probably never regain full use of the right side of his body. How would that affect him? Would he mentally be able to cope? Mac was a successful businessman and somewhat of an athlete. How would Mac adjust to the changes and challenges ahead? Did he have someone close to him who would help out? And the big question was this: Would Mac choose to allow his life to get better or would he let it spiral out of control and get worse? Lonny could tell Mac was a fighter. If he had to bet, he’d bet on him. He just might make it.
Just then a shout came across the water. Lonny looked up and saw Ted waving. The rescue team was through the final portage. They would soon be here. Help was on the way. Lonny looked back at Mac. His face was calm, almost peaceful. Lonny reached down and felt for his pulse. It was a little stronger than when he’d first arrived. Lonny took that as a good sign. He stood up and got ready for Ted and his team. There were already halfway across the lake, hurrying to complete the rescue. He looked down at Mac. Maybe he’s begun to make some sort of peace with himself, Lonny thought. Maybe he’ll come out of this OK.

The Performance Review

In the spring of this year I took an online writing course which jump started my interest in writing fiction. This story is one I submitted for an assignment to write a 1000 word story. It’s based on the years I spent working for Honeywell.

David Jasper Collingsford strolled arrogantly down the hall and knocked on the office door of his boss.
‘Come in.’ She said, pleasantly, opening the door to greet him. ‘David,’ she smiled. ‘It’s good to see you. Have a chair and sit down.’
‘Thanks’. With a smug smirk David sat down and gave his boss a quick once over. Peggy Sandquist was around forty five years old. She was short with a firm build and sandy, flyaway hair. She wore a dark blue skirt and jacket with a contrasting string of colored beads around her neck. She had an easy smile and almost everyone liked her. But not David. She had been his boss the entire twelve years he’d been a sales rep with the company, and he couldn’t stand her.
She smiled again. ‘How have you been?’
‘Good’, he answered, barely containing his dislike for her. ‘Been on the boat a lot.’
David had a big problem in his life and that problem was women. He honestly felt women had a certain place in society. And that place was definitely not on the same level as himself. He went to bars, met women and dated them. But he didn’t like being subservient to them. Especially where he worked and especially like he had to be with his boss. In short, he felt he was better than women. He knew this went against the grain of modern society’s attitude, but he couldn’t help it. It was just how he was. Now he had this yearly meeting to deal with, and he was ready. His plan was to be assertive and ask for a raise for all the great work he’d done as a salesman for the company. He was positive he would get it.
David was single, thirty nine years old and an athletic six foot one. His short cropped, dark hair and strong jaw anchored a confident face. He was tanned from hours spent out on his boat. He caught a reflection of himself in a window in the office and grinned, happy with what he saw.
They spent a few minutes with small talk before getting down to business, which was fine with David. He’d had all he could take of her babbling on and on about her stupid kids. He was just about ready to bring up the subject of getting a raise, when Peggy offered a rare frown, concentrating. ‘David, I’m afraid I have been receiving some troubling reports about you.’
David leaned forward in his chair. What the hell about?, he almost yelled, and then checked himself. ‘What about?’ he asked pleasantly, trying to keep his cool. He had no idea what she was talking about.
‘It has to do with how you are treating the receptionists.’
‘Them? What do you mean? I’m fine with them.’ David spat, bristling with anger.
‘Well, for one, you can’t call any of them sweetie or darlin’ or doll face. They have names, you know. Alice, Sue and Elizabeth. It’s very derogatory’. She held up her hand to stop him as he tried to interrupt. ‘And for another thing, you can’t keep asking them to get you coffee and run errands for you.’
David was stunned. This was idiotic. ‘Why the hell not? Aren’t they there to ‘support us’ he said, using his fingers to give air quotes around support.
‘Yes, David, but not like that’. Peggy was straining to be patient. ‘They are not there for your own beck and call. You should really know better than that.’ He fought to contain his anger. She had no right to talk to him this way. Peggy continued, looking him straight in the eye, ‘You are disrespectful to others in the office, your clients find you boorish, and you treat women, myself included, like second class citizens.’
David blew up. ‘I do not,’ he yelled, and stopped himself from pounding his fist on her desk. ‘I can’t help it if other people are incompetent.’
Peggy sat stunned, not believing what she was hearing. ‘David, I truly believe you should think long and hard about what you just said.’
David glared at her for a moment, struggling to calm down. Then something deep inside took over. He realized he could turn this situation to his advantage. After all, his boss was just a woman. He took a deep breath, and turned on the charm. ‘Hey, I’m sorry,’ he said, giving her a bright, cheerful smile. ‘I know I have a few faults, but, really, don’t you think my sales record supersedes all the complaints?’
Peggy sat back and sadly shook her head. ‘No, David, I don’t. It takes more than sales to make it in this company. You have to be a decent person, too.’ Then she got up, signifying the meeting was coming to a close. ‘David, I am placing you on probation. I would like to meet with you next week to discuss the next steps for you and your career’. The meeting was over. She ushered him out the door.
David was beyond mad. How dare she treat him like this? Literally seeing red, he stomped down the hall, bypassed the elevators and yanked open the door leading to the stairwell. His forehead was beaded in perspiration. His heart was racing. He leaned against the wall and sank to the cement steps. He was a perfect employee. How could she do this to him? Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a cigarette and lit it, blowing smoke to the ceiling. After a moment the smoke alarm went off. Then the sprinklers kicked in and water started raining down. David sat there livid, getting drenched and wondering if he should just quit. The more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea. To hell with her. And he quickly made the decision. He’d just quit. And he smiled, water dripping from his nose. That would really show her who was boss.

Is There Such A Thing As True Love?

Dave Callahan’s browser was set to scroll through various news stories of the day. He was idly looking at them when one caught his eye. “Is There Such A Thing As True Love?” The story was based on an article a psychologist had written looking into the nature of true love. He was intrigued and he read it. Turns out there wasn’t much astounding there. The psychologist had done a twenty year study and written an article detailing his findings. It all came down to what, in Dave’s mind, was your basic psycho-babble about the nature of love and how everyone was different so every relationship was different and some relationships had stronger feelings of love than others and on and on until Dave had just had enough. The author never even answered the question about whether or not there was such a thing as true love. But what Dave found to be really interesting was the ‘comments’ section at the end of the article. There were over a thousand of them. A nerve had definitely been touched and reading some of them was very interesting. The jest of it was that the vast majority of the people writing in were of the opinion that yes, in fact, they believed in true love. By at least twenty to one. Easily. “Crazy,” Dave thought to himself. “Lots of romantic people out there.” Many of the comments were from women, but there were a surprising number from men, too. He found that he couldn’t stop reading them. “I found my true love after divorcing my husband of fifteen years after years of neglect” one women wrote. A guy said, “I married my high school sweet heart but it didn’t work out. We just drifted apart. After we divorced I met my true love.” Another female wrote, “We met in college and hit it off right away. We’ve been together ever since. It really is true love.” There were positive comments by straight couples, gay couples and lesbian couples. In a way it was kind of cool, Dave thought, that there were so many happy couples out there.
As the days went by, Dave found he really couldn’t stop thinking about the article and the concept of having one true love. He knew a lot of happy couples, and, if he had to guess, all of them would subscribe to the belief that their relationship was one based on true love. They did seem happy together and Dave had no reason to doubt them. But there were also many people he knew who had been divorced. How did the idea of true love fit into their view of relationships? He remembered a conversation he’d had with his mother shortly before she passed away. His parents had divorced when he was fifteen. His father had left his mother for another woman, whom he subsequently married. They were together for five years before his father died. Some years after his death, Dave’s mother remarried and she spent the rest of her life very happy with her new husband. But when Dave asked his mother if she ever had a ‘true love’ kind of relationship she answered without hesitating. “Why yes, your father.” “How could that be?” Dave asked. “He left you for someone else.” But she was adamant in her belief and would not budge. In the end Dave wasn’t sure if he was happy for her or sad for her. Happy that she had experienced true love or sad because her ‘true love’ had left her for someone else.
The article also caused Dave to look more deeply into his own past situation with regard to relationships. From an early age he had always wanted to marry and have a family. He had been married twice. Once when he was in his early twenty’s to a woman whom he’d had two children. They had grown apart, divorced and a few years later he married a woman whom he’d been together with for over twenty years, before they, too, had grown apart and divorced. He was a good father, but marriage hadn’t worked for him. Had true love been a factor in each of his marriages? Not really, if he was honest with himself. He’d felt a great deal of affection toward each of them in the beginning. But that changed over time, as other insurmountable life factors got in the way. Some of his conversations with friends over his lifetime had hinted that maybe he’d married and had a family to prove to himself that he could do better than his father had done with his mother. There was probably some truth to that, except that deep down he really did want to be a father and husband. The father part had been wonderful. The husband part, not so much.
A couple that he knew were both on their second marriages. They’d been together for over twenty years. He was convinced that they would say that their marriage was based on true love. Why was that? Because they both were devoted to each other, supported each other and enjoyed each other’s company, as well as giving each other space and time to grow.
Maybe that’s what it came down to when it came to true love. More than the depth of feeling one had for the other person, it was also the ablility to accept that person for who that person was and to be part of the growth in that person’s life. While thinking about all of this, Dave thought of the movie, ‘Princess Bride’ which was one of his favorites. The concept of ‘true love’ was the basis of the movie with the two main characters meeting, falling in love, becoming separated and finally reunited again, all the while bolstered by the fact that true love would eventually bring them back together. Their love was visceral and very passionate and Dave found himself wondering how strong that would have been after being married for twenty or thirty years. He hoped it would have survived.
A friend of Dave’s often talked about her idea that relationships weren’t designed to last longer than twenty years. People maybe had three good relationships in them in their lifetimes. One, early on in a person’s twenty’s before kids are born. Then, a second, middle period, where two people have children and raise a family together. And, finally, a third relationship toward the end of one’s life when the child rearing and intense job years are over. “Successful marriages, maybe combine all three relationship elements,” she said,
“What about true love?” he asked her.
“What about it?”
“How does that fit in?”
She was divorced after nearly thirty years of a less than fulfilling marriage. She laughed. “I don’t believe in true love. I’ll leave that to you romantics.”
Is true love, then, only for romantics? Dave asked some of his male friends and most of them were very uncomfortable with the question, looking at him in a weird way with a kind of “What’s wrong with you?” look on their face. Only one said that he believed in true love. Others had never really thought about it, and, when pushed, didn’t really have an answer. But some of the comments on the article from guys said that they’d believed in true love, so that said something. Dave was really not sure why he was obsessing over the question. It all came down to the fact that even though he hadn’t experienced true love, he still felt that maybe it was out there. That maybe it did exist. It did for others. Why not for him?
Dave was in a long term relationship that had been going on for over ten years. It was the kind of relationship where they had met and been friends before falling in love and committing to each other. Friends told him that she was the kind of person he should have been with all along. He didn’t disagree. He felt a depth of love and affection for her that he never had felt before. He was one hundred percent committed to the relationship. They were mature adults and each had their own interests, but they loved sharing their life with each other. It was the happiest he’d ever been in his life and she told him that being with him made her happier than she’d ever been. He could easily see them being together for the rest of their lives. She wanted it too. Neither of them had a desire or need to be married.
When Dave asked her whether or not she believed true love, she told him that she didn’t. “Look, I’m just happy we’re together,” she said. “What more do you want?”
“As long as you’re happy, I’m happy. I guess I’ll just have to be the romantic one in the relationship,” he laughed.
She smiled, getting what he was saying. “So it sounds like you believe in true love.”
“You, know, I believe I do, the more I think about it.” Dave was trying to be honest. He told her about the article and the impact it had on him. Maybe true love really was different for everyone. Maybe the point wasn’t about true love forever and ever, but was the idea of committing to the relationship through the good times and bad. To be with the person no matter what just for the simple joy of being together and having the fulfillment of a loving and caring relationship. Which was how he felt with her.
“Does it bother you that I don’t?” She asked.
“No.” He liked that they were talking about it. “Just don’t hold it against me,” he added kiddingly.
She laughed. “Don’t worry. It doesn’t matter to me that we see things differently. How about you?”
“No. I appreciate that we are different and have our own views. I’m just happy being with you. I like our life together.” He paused and then added, “I’m just glad we found each other.”
She looked at him for a long few moments and then reached over and squeezed his hand. “Me too,” she said, her voice honest and true.
At that moment Dave realized that whether what they had was true love or not, he didn’t really care. The important thing was that they were together and committed to each other. And that was good enough for him. As to the question about whether or not true love really existed, well, he’d leave that for the psychologists and the movie goers to figure out. He had all he needed to know right there beside him with her.


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